Do Men Get Over Lost Love?
She started talking about her boyfriend, well now "ex-boyfriend" and I have to say that I've never seen this girl so upset before.
She wanted my honest opinion on love.
She asked me, "Do men get over lost love and do they ever come back?" Feeling sorry for her, and seeing how much she truly cared for her ex, I shared my secrets with her.
The secrets that I've seen work for others.
If he cared about her at all then, no, he wouldn't get over her right away and that's a good thing.
It gave her something to work with.
Love doesn't just disappear, it doesn't go away over night and it can't be found easily with just anybody.
These are all the things she had working for her.
She just had to figure out how to do things the right way.
I told her the truth, she needed to stop talking to her ex and start moving forward.
The look she gave me after hearing this wasn't exactly pleasant, so I had to explain.
By leaving him alone she was leaving some mystery there, he was going to have to wonder what she was up to on Friday night and who she was with.
Second of all, when he did hear about her through friends and such he was going to hear that she was doing great.
She still loved him but was reconnecting with her old friends and doing something fun with her life.
Men don't appreciate hearing about how great you're doing since you split up, so of course he's going to call.
And his desperation may or may not be obvious.
I told her that when he does call that she needs to be as nice as ever, and explain to him that she still loves him (if he asks) and tell him about her life and how she's doing just fine.
"How were things when you first got together?" I asked her.
She responded that they were both happy, had a lot of fun together, and acted like old friends.
My advice was that she does the same thing all over again.
When he did want to see her then make it a public place in an easy situation, not a stuffy dinner or a bar.
Go out for a lunch date, or go have fun with friends.
This is going to bring back the old memories and build new positive ones.
Lots of people get back together even when the relationships seem hopeless.
Things were good between them at one point or another, and it's always possible to get back to that.
The key is showing your ex that you're still capable of breathing, able to live your life without them.
Self sufficiency is more attractive than dependency, and that's something that can be said about all relationships.
So, my friends question, "Do men get over lost love?" Well, as you see, that depends on your actions and how you go about doing things; or is your choice really.