Get Web Site Traffic With Articles - 5 Easy To Follow Steps On How To Write A Good Article
1. CHOSE THE TOPIC CAREFULLY Although the theme of your article is mostly predetermined by the niche you work in, nevertheless it should be something you personally like and know well. By actually knowing and liking what you write about, you give your text a touch of passion and honesty which differentiate your article from the bulk. This is especially important if you cannot afford paid traffic and you use writing as your main source.
2. BE SURE TO PUT A KEYWORD RICH TITLE Title is an identity card of your article and it should express the most frequently searched words of your topic, based of course upon the proper keyword research. Once you define your keywords, be sure to put them at the very beginning of the title. It is amazing how many people rely on article marketing while ignoring this basic rule. However, proper title form is vital to the success of each article. You see, if your title keywords are researched correctly and they are related to the content, your article will match the information people are searching for through search engines. The more people get your article as their search result, the more people will read it and probably click to your website link.
3. MAKE A STRONG ARTICLE INTRODUCTION This part of your article must convince the reader to stick around and keep reading. As simple as that. After all, youve just made a major work with your keyword research and have picked just the right title and now you must make every visitor read all you have to say. So all you need to do here is announce main points youre going to elaborate in the following chapters, basically telling that the rest of your article will deliver what the title promises.
4. WATCH FOR THE FORM AND SIZE OF THE ARTICLE Take this part of your writing job seriously and avoid extremes. Do not submit too short articles if you want to be taken as an expert in any topic, but dont overdo it either. Too long articles tend to drive a potential reader away. Form of the text should be neat and divided in small paragraphs, while major points should be easily noticeable.
5. NEVER FORGET LINKS! Last but certainly not least, links are the bottom line of all the work mentioned above. You need those readers to convert, to click through, to go to your website or wherever your link takes them. Back links are again important for how your rank at search engines and so this is a closed circle you need to work for your benefit. This is also the very reason why people write so much and why the internet entrepreneurial beginners chose article marketing to get web site traffic.
So dont be afraid to take action and learn once and for all how to write a good article. Implement those simple rules above and keep writing. The rest is nothing more than the chain reaction with the successful impact on your business. You CAN and WILL get web site traffic with your articles!