How Many Pages Long Should Your eBook Be So That Customers Feel They Got Their Money"s Worth?
How many pages long should an eBook be? At a minimum, 40 pages.
Anything less than that is a report.
Don't allow yourself to be confused by unsuccessful fools who tell you that 3 pages is an appropriate length for an eBook.
What do these people think, that customers are suckers? I've been in this business long enough to know something about this issue.
You can sell someone information that can literally change their life and do so in a way that only requires a few pages.
But the minute you call your 3 to 4 page manuscript an eBook, you're deceiving your customers.
Call it a report.
Don't call it an electronic book.
The word book, for the overwhelming majority of customers, is something a bit more substantial.
Something a bit more hefty.
Do you see what I'm trying to say? Here's a tip I often share freely, but which hardly anyone ever really seems to implement.
If all you really have to share about a particular topic can be condensed into 3 to 4 pages, don't give up just yet on the idea of publishing this information as an electronic book.
Here's the trick: interview someone who is an expert in the topic you're covering in the eBook.
Transcribe the interview and guess what? You've more than likely reached or even exceeded my 40 page recommendation.
Best of all, you're also giving your customers some really meaty, insightful information.
Here's the bottom line: if you're going to call what you're publishing an eBook, make sure it has some heft behind it so that customers feel like they're getting their money's worth.
At a minimum, I'd recommend making your electronic book at least 40 pages long.