Relationship Advice - Why Do You Need to Know If Your Ex Misses You?
The relationship has come to an end.
But regardless of who severed the ties, there is often still a place in the back of your mind that wonders whether or not your ex really misses you.
Why would you care? Because maybe it isn't really over for you.
Either way, in order to get closure you feel you need to know for sure.
People sometimes make rash decisions in their lives, decisions they later second-guess themselves on.
In the worst-case scenario, they even regret these decisions.
When it pertains to a relationship, these are not good waters to be floating in.
Uncertainty is bad enough: but when you question how your ex feels, perhaps you aren't really ready for them to be your ex partner.
If you ask yourself this question, it means deep down inside, you either want them back or you want to know how much of an impact the breakup has had on them.
If it is the latter, then it doesn't really matter...
because it should all be behind you.
If they are heartbroken, they will undoubtedly contact you to see if there is a chance at reconciliation.
If you are wondering from a sadistic standpoint of wanting to cause them as much pain as possible, then shame on you.
If you do feel this way, you certainly need to look at why! It is not a healthy attitude to have and no doubt will spill out into other areas of your life.
Once you have looked at this, you need to let it go and move on But if you need to know exactly what happened because you might still have feelings for your ex partner, then this is a different story.
In this case it is better you don't contact them.
If you do, you more than likely stand a very good chance of exposing your true, deep feelings and making a mess of the situation.
Your emotions will override any reservations you have and the situation will then be worse for both of you.
You will have come off as desperate and your ex partner will be utterly confused.
You also need to understand this isn't just about you.
You have to remember another person was affected in your breakup.
Unless they spill their feelings to you, you don't know how deeply they were affected in all of this.
It could have impacted them much more than it did you.
Just because you are hurting doesn't necessarily mean your ex is hurting in the same way.
What could be painful to you might be emotionally crippling to them!