The Four Categories Of Home Business Prospects And How To Really Attract Tons Of Them
Just get me to the money" Money, money, and all money.
These people want nothing but the money.
They are driven by money.
Eat, breathe, and sleep money.
You may see this as an exaggeration, but you get the point right? These are the men and women that you want on your team.
Sharks only want money chasers, and they are the ones that they will seek.
They will run your downline deep.
The best way to attract these people are to show them the money.
In other words, show them what they can do to make tons of money in this industry.
The Cons: Sharks tend to get very selfish.
These people only care about what THEY want, and not what others want.
In fact, they can have the tendency to only care for people who only care to get THEM success hahaha.
Sounds like some sort of contradiction or something, but this is the dark side of Sharks.
Nevertheless, they are worth having.
Your Urchins The Pros: "How many people join this industry weekly?" "Are most of them experienced business people?" "How old is the company?" "Has it been around for more than 10 years?" These people want hard, factual, detailed information about the industry and the company they are looking at.
If the company is stable with great products, great comp plan, then you have yourself great people.
The way to attract these people is to teach and train them on the facts and information of this industry, and how to succeed in it.
The Cons: Urchins have a tendency to over research themselves out of a good opportunity.
They become too critical of a business.
Urchins are the perfectionist ones of the other three.
They can get to a point where a company can have NO flaws, because if it does, then they will not join.
Heck, they will leave the industry all together! Your Dolphins The Pros: "Let's go to the jungle Jim!" "Let's scuba dive in the coral reef over there" "Do you want to go climb that mountain?" "Can we stay in Tokyo, Japan for 10 more days of fun?" The way to attract these people is to show the fun parts of the industry.
Dolphins are highly motivated by fun.
Being that the home business industry is fun, send you on exotic trips, etc, the Dolphins will be nice catches.
The Cons: Dolphins can have so much fun, that they forget about why they're in this business.
You see, They can have fun, but they should not forget their WHY! They want to be financially free, they and their family, to live a great and healthy life.
This calls for a balance that includes being "serious.
" Dolphins have a tendency to not be balanced.
Your Whales The Pros: "If there is ANYTHING I can do for you, do not hesitate to call or email me" "Call me anytime if you need help" "Hey I'm calling to check up on your progress" "Can I read and critique your article?" These people LOVE to help others get what they want out of their business.
Whales will go far to see the success of their industry mates, and their own team mates.
They put others before themselves.
They know the true meaning of "help others get what they want, and all of that will come back to you- getting what you want.
" Catching yourself some Whales will probably grow your business a lot faster than the others.
The Cons: Whales have a tendency of worrying about other people's success, and forget about their own.
They get tied up into blessing others, but their business is at a stand still.
While you must respect the Whale, they need to get their own party going as well.
The Conclusion Now here is another thought for you.
Would you rather attract these four categories manually- chasing your family, friends, and strangers, trying to cultivate who's who among the four categories? Or better, would you rather educate yourself on how to attract tons of these people leveraging the internet? Make the choice on how BIG and FAR you want to go in the home business industry.
The sky is not limited-- it is UNLIMITED!