The Truth About How to Get Your Ex Back - Little Known Advice That Can Save Your Relationship
If you're not careful, you'll end up doing things that will only drive your ex farther away.
Here are some tips on exactly what you should be doing and saying and just as important, how to avoid making the common mistakes that will kill your chances of getting back together.
Are you afraid if you don't do something quick your ex will move on permanently? These fear based emotions can make you do things that are out of character for you.
Remember that your ex knows you better than anyone and can tell when you're acting the slightest bit desperate.
Your ex pulling away from you will be the result.
Pressuring your ex won't work because it's human nature to resist when someone pushes.
Don't fall into the trap of throwing yourself at your ex.
It doesn't work.
Behavior that should be avoided includes: - Calling all the time - Arguing about your relationship - Trying to talk your ex into taking you back - Promising you'll change - Buying gifts, sending love letters, etc.
- Saying you love them over and over - Saying you'll always be there for them Get the idea? It's understandable that you just want to express your feelings, but right now is not the right time.
If you are too pushy, you'll push your ex away.
If you make yourself too available, your ex will take you for granted because they know they can have you whenever they want.
Do the opposite.
Give the relationship a healthy break.
Get your head clear and develop your inner strength and independence.
Not contacting your ex for a while is going to be tough so make sure you keep yourself busy doing positive activities.
You're not chasing your ex anymore and this changes the energy between you.
As a matter of fact, you've become a bit unavailable yourself.
Youre demonstrating that youre a strong and independent individual who can live without them.
It's normal for your ex to begin missing you now that they can no longer take you for granted.
These tips will get you started in the right direction.
Just keep in mind that saving your relationship is going to be a multi-step process that you can rush.
Stay strong and stick with your plan.
You can get your ex back as long as you don't resort to desperate/needy behaviors.