Business Management Course Pune :scit
In line with this rich legacy of using innovative learning practices, SCIT has been organizing several events and seminars where industry experts are invited to share their experience with the future IT managers. This helps them further enhance their learning. Recently the institute organized the 13th national seminar titled State of the IT-2012. The idea behind hosting the seminar was to emerge as a platform for convergence of multiple facets of the IT industry with special focus on the Banking and Financial services sector. Banking sector has evolved as a technology oriented industry focusing entirely on customers. This makes it highly dependent on the Information Technology sector. The seminar was an effort to explore these opportunities through mediums like panel discussions, interactions etc.
State of the IT-2012 was just one amongst the many events organized by SCIT where students got a chance to learn about the multiple facets of the IT industry. Previously too, the institute has been actively involved in hosting such programs. In fact, these programs are organized managed and conducted by the students of the MBA in ITBM program. After all, the future managers to be prepared to multitask and the events are an excellent opportunity for them to put their class room learning to test.
An MBA in Pune has always been high on the priority of students list due to its industrial exposure but an MBA in ITBM at SCIT is even more relevant due to its ability to develop curriculum relevant to the evolving dynamics of the information technology sector. The institute has seen several successful placement seasons and given its dedication towards equipping its students with the best in terms of education; SCIT is guaranteed to see many more similar success stories.
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