How to Make Sure Your 360 Doesn"t Get the RROD (Red Rings of Death) - 2 Easy Tips From an Xbox Owner
I was getting into playing my Xbox 360 when all of a sudden my console froze up and I saw the three red rings of death.
I just gaped at my television screen.
I was quite aware that my Xbox 360 isn't that dependable, but I wouldn't have ever expected that something terrible could happen to me.
I rang my friend that games and asked if it had happened to him.
He let me know that he had this identical issue and that he waited a little over a month for Microsoft to fix his issue.
Apparently the unit overheats which will make it stop running.
Of late, Microsoft will not send a shipping box to send in your Xbox for repair.
So now you own a inoperable console due to a design issue, but you also have to pay cash for the cost of shipping to get it fixed! Here are a couple of tips that could keep your system from breaking.
Tip 1: Ventilation is quite crucial, so locate a spot for the Xbox that has generous air flow.
Do not place your Xbox in an entertainment center as they will tend to get very hot.
This isn't a good thing because the problem is a result of getting overheated.
Tip 2: If you did get the three red rings of death the first thing you can try is shutting down your 360 off and go do something else as it cools for an hour.
Move it somewhere with better airflow and unplug anything that is attached to your Xbox 360.
Then try turning your system back on after it has chilled for a while.
I am hoping these tips can prevent what happened to my console.
I just gaped at my television screen.
I was quite aware that my Xbox 360 isn't that dependable, but I wouldn't have ever expected that something terrible could happen to me.
I rang my friend that games and asked if it had happened to him.
He let me know that he had this identical issue and that he waited a little over a month for Microsoft to fix his issue.
Apparently the unit overheats which will make it stop running.
Of late, Microsoft will not send a shipping box to send in your Xbox for repair.
So now you own a inoperable console due to a design issue, but you also have to pay cash for the cost of shipping to get it fixed! Here are a couple of tips that could keep your system from breaking.
Tip 1: Ventilation is quite crucial, so locate a spot for the Xbox that has generous air flow.
Do not place your Xbox in an entertainment center as they will tend to get very hot.
This isn't a good thing because the problem is a result of getting overheated.
Tip 2: If you did get the three red rings of death the first thing you can try is shutting down your 360 off and go do something else as it cools for an hour.
Move it somewhere with better airflow and unplug anything that is attached to your Xbox 360.
Then try turning your system back on after it has chilled for a while.
I am hoping these tips can prevent what happened to my console.