Homemade Diets for Dogs With Heart Disease
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Restrict the salt in advanced heart disease.Old friend image by Pushpangadan from Fotolia.com
Fry 1/4 lb. of lean ground beef, ground round or turkey, until browned; do not drain the fat. Substitute any cut of beef or poultry, if desired, and bake or boil until done. Slice meat into small chunks if you use whole meat cuts. - 2
Ground beef, turkey, or chicken is a good source of protein for your dog.dog face image by KateC from Fotolia.com
Prepare 2 cups of cooked rice, boiling in meat-flavored broth if desired, or 2 cups of rice baby cereal. Substitute canned broth for water when cooking rice, or add the fat off the meat you cooked. Do not add any salt; excess sodium (salt) is hard on a dog with heart disease. - 3
Commercial dog food contains additives.naughty dog image by MichMac from Fotolia.com
Mix the cooked rice with the cooked meat. Add a small amount of oil -- 1 to 2 tsp. depending on the fat content of the meat cooked. While fat is good in your dog's diet, excess fat is not, so use a moderate amount. - 4
Feed your dog several smaller meals if it doesn't want to eat.dog image by Bobi from Fotolia.com
Cool the meat, rice and oil mixture. Measure 2 or 3 tsp. of all bran cereal and stir into mixture if desired. - 5
Moderate exercise is good for your dog's heart.dog image by Oleg Salamaha from Fotolia.com
Crush 2 g of calcium carbonate (Tums) and add to the cooled rice/meat mixture you prepared. Add 2 tsp. of dicalcium phosphate (available at a health food store, or use bone meal) and mix well. - 6
Rice, potatoes, oatmeal and pasta are good sources of carbohydrates for dogs.dog image by Holtea Silviu from Fotolia.com
Cover and refrigerate homemade dog food, either in one container or in serving-size portions. Heat until warm to serve, and supplement diet with an adult, human vitamin daily.