The Importance Of Appeals And The "paper Blizzard" While Fighting Your Ex-Wife In Divorce
It's important to know the strategy that I like to call the "Paper Blizzard." The Paper Blizzard technique is essentially the act of burying your ex-wife and her attorney in an overwhelming amount of motions and appeals during divorce court. The more motions and appeals you file when things aren't going your way in court, the more you are raising the emotional and financial pressure on the opposing side. Each filing is going to cost your ex-wife money to an attorney, while it will be fairly inexpensive and less time consuming for you to do on your own. Pushing paperwork against your ex-wife can turn an uncooperative spouse into one that is willing to settle or mediate the issue instead, in order to save on finances and the long, drawn-out emotional stress that ensues from divorce court.
By employing the Paper Blizzard technique against your ex when certain things aren't going your way in court, you can help increase the chances of your ex-wife being willing to work with you outside of court than dragging you and her emotions through divorce court for months on end. She will be more willing to resolve the situation in the most inexpensive, respectful way instead of letting her spite and anger lead the situation through the courtroom drama of divorce court.