How to Find Helpful Research Paper Outline Examples
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The two main players in research paper formats are APA and MLA. This stands for American Psychological Association and Modern Language Association, and these are the main places where you want your examples to come from. They both have sites that are full of writing and research information as well as info on how to stick to their formats. These are the two main formats that your professors and teachers will want you to use. - 2
Whether you are in college or not, college libraries and their corresponding web sites are top places to find research paper outline examples. One of their main missions is to help people write papers since it is something that most college students do all of the time, and as a result of this they are particularly helpful. - 3
While sites of academic institutions might be a great resource, don't discount niche sites that are created for the sole purpose of research paper outline examples. When looking on these you'll see heaps of great outlines and guides, just make sure not to pay because there is enough free information out there for everyone. - 4
Never underestimate the power of a skilled and knowledgeable reference or research librarian. Contacting them may be the best thing that you've ever done. No one knows how to put together a paper better than they do and they are passionate about doing so.