How to Build an Inexpensive Shade House
- 1). Locate and procure an old metal mesh-type satellite dish, at least 10 feet in diameter. Remove all the extra hardware so all you have left is the basic structure of the dish.
- 2). Measure the diameter of the dish carefully. Pound a stake in the center of the space where you intend to install your shade structure. Attach a string that is 1/2 the diameter of the dish to the top of the stake. Using the string, walk the diameter of the space, marking it with spray paint or stakes. If you have a helper, simply place the dish where you plan to install it, mark the ground around the edges, then move the dish out of the way.
- 3). Attach mounting brackets to the top of each post.
- 4). Dig four to six holes with the post hole digger, at least two feet deep, spaced at an equal distance around the inside edge of the dish. Mix the cement with water according to the instructions on the bag and install the posts, using a level to make sure that they're vertical. Allow at least 24 hours for the cement to dry.
- 5). Recruit at least one, preferably two or three helpers, and lift the dish onto the posts. After centering the dish so it is resting on top of the poles, bolt it to the brackets.
- 6). Decorate your shade structure with an old chandelier, patio lights, candle holders, wind chimes, a hummingbird feeder or other fun garden items. Attach curtains with metal curtain clips to make it like a Moroccan hideaway.