Four Ways To Make Money Selling Your Mailing List Or Customer Database
The rental price for your list, as well as any other list, depends upon how well the list works for those who rent it.
The better the list works, the more money it's worth. This is why some mailing lists are worth 10 times more money than others. Imagine a mailing list of 3,000 millionaire Rolls Royce buyers - what would that be worth to someone trying to sell heated swimming pools or luxury holidays? Therefore, it is very important to offer the best list you possibly can in order to make the most money.
Good mailing lists are a valuable commodity, and the profit margin is huge. The better the names work, the more money the list will make.
There are many ways to reach prospective buyers of your lists. Here are some of the most widely-used methods.
1. Place classified adverts in magazines. Many advertisers use this method because it is inexpensive and reaches a very large audience. Hint: Never try to sell directly from a classified advert (e.g. don't say "Please send me £10 per 1,000 names for this HOT list..."). This type of advert should be used only to generate enquiries (e.g. "Superb new mailing list of 37,000 golf accessory buyers. For details, please send an SAE to..."). When you receive the prospective buyer's inquiry, you then send all the information about your list: price, quantity of names, recency, etc.
2. You could advertise in various trade and business publications. There are magazines, like Direct Marketing Magazine, that list dozens of mailing lists in each issue. These adverts are usually placed by the list broker, list manager, or the list owner. This can be the best method to use if you are going after big results. It may cost a little, but the rewards can make it well worth the investment.
3. Another profitable method used by list sellers is to rent a list of prospective list buyers from another seller. Once you get your list, you then mail out your list information to those prospects.
4. Many firms advertise their lists in business opportunity magazines and periodicals. They develop relationships with customers and get the word out about the lists that they have available. There are many publications available for you to choose from. By testing, you will learn which ones will work best.