Design Ideas for the Inside of a Mobile Home
- Decorating a mobile home presents challenges.Camping a€" Mobilhome image by albillottet from
It can be challenging to design the inside of a mobile home. Because a single-wide averages 1,000 square feet and a double-wide averages 1,600 square feet, you don't always have a lot space to work with in a mobile home. That doesn't mean that you can't have a pleasant living space, though. With careful consideration, your home can look its best. - Space is limited, particularly in single-wide mobile homes. Make the home look bigger by painting in light colors and by allowing a lot of natural light into the home. Most mobile homes have a long narrow hallway that can feel cramped. At either end of the hallway, place something that draws the eyes towards it, such as a window or a large mirror. Use mirrors to create the illusion of space by placing a large mirror or a collection of small mirrors on the wall of a small room.
- Mobile homes typically have a strip of molding that connects the pieces of wall together. If you find this unattractive, look for ways to get around it. For example, remove this strip and fill it with putty and paint over the whole wall--use a textured painting technique to hide any bumps. Alternatively, make it part of the design by painting the molding strips a contrasting color and using that same contrasting color in other decorative elements.
- Clutter is going to be even more apparent in the small spaces of a mobile home. Make sure that everything has a space and that you use all the space that you do have. Shelving units and containers in the closet can help you place things. Store large seasonal items like Christmas decorations or winter clothes outside in a shed so that they don't take up valuable space inside.
- Your mobile home will look cleaner if you use a few large pieces of furniture rather than several small ones. You might have to place everything up against the wall to make walking space in the rooms. In the master bedroom, place the bed in the middle of the room so that both partners can easily get out of bed. In the smaller bedrooms, though, place the bed up against the wall to fit all of the furniture.
- Mobile home windows are flush against the wall without windowsills. If you don't like this look, use large curtains that cover the entire window. Alternatively, you can purchase decorative wooden molding to go around the outside of the window to give the appearance of a more traditional window.
Illusion of Space
Wall Molding Solutions
Organizing Clutter
Furniture Arrangement
Window Treatments