How to Find a Soulmate - A Divine Marriage

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Most of us dream about the perfect partner to share our life with.
You search to find a soulmate, someone to adore you, someone who makes you laugh, and someone to understand you.
What you do not realize is that this life-long search is actually a quest to feel whole within yourself.
You search outside of yourself looking for those disowned parts of who you are.
When you feel whole and complete within yourself, you have attained the Divine Marriage and are ready to find your soul mate.
Yes, soul mates do exist, and you can have the perfect mate.
However, it is much easier to look within yourself and resolve the unloved places.
When you have made peace within, you will feel whole.
From this place, you can attract your equal and find a soulmate.
Some people are fortunate and find a soulmate before feeling complete within him/herself.
Most of us will need to love the aspects of our inner male and female, creating the space for the inner marriage to thrive.
Until you are able to embrace the divine masculine and feminine within yourself, you will always be searching outside of yourself for the perfect mate.
When a partner does something that irritates you, what are you being shown? What needs to happen inside? How do you make a change, so that your partner's thoughts, words, or actions, no longer bother you? Is it ever about them, or is it our reaction to their ways that need to be changed? What are you looking for when you make the vow to marry? What does it mean to have a lifetime partner? Are you looking for some external source of security? Do you want your partner to make you feel better? Do you truly want an equal in your life? So often you want to find a soulmate to share the rest of your life.
The question remains, are you willing to do the inner work required to create a loving relationship? When you bring an equal into your life, you need to find the inner strength to want stop playing games.
You will want to be able to share in each other's life work and dreams.
Are you able to see the divine in each other, and stop the pettiness of "he said, she said" or whatever the pattern may be? It may be time to take a deeper look at the reasons you want to get married or are married.
Most marriages are commenced from a place of "woundedness".
Oftentimes you misinterpret a "connection" with someone and believe that this person is your soul mate, when in reality, you shared a strong connection at the time that you came together because you matched each other energetically in your soul's evolution.
This does not mean that you will always have the same resonance with each other.
A vow of marriage should not be a death sentence to the soul.
It ought to be liberating.
You have been accustomed to believe that you must uphold your vow of marriage beyond all else.
It seems quite ridiculous if what you yearn for is happiness and you are unable to come to terms with your partner's patterns and ways of being.
Is it really better for us to stay together for the sake of the children or because you made a vow of marriage than to be happy? Think about what you are creating with this belief system.
You need to put "the martyr" to rest and allow yourself to be happy.
There is nothing wrong with separating when two people have grown apart and need to take different journeys.
Follow your heart and everyone will benefit in the long run.
Sometimes you feel a strong connection with someone that could possibly be this person mirroring back your own soul.
Maybe this person knows how to match you energetically and he/she can show you your true self.
Most of us have learned how to be a chameleon by adapting to the environment around us.
When you meet someone who is great at this, you feel as if you have a strong connection.
Your partner may be able to read your mind very early on in the relationship.
This can give you the illusion that you have a strong connection, when in truth it is simply his/her ability to pick up on what you want to hear.
The Divine Marriage on the inner plane is what you are looking for.
It is the marriage of your masculine and feminine energies that create balance within yourself.
You feel a sense of deep peace when you feel this alignment with our soul.
Everything becomes easy and filled with grace as you realize your oneness with all that is.
You are in the flow and recognize the synchronicity of every moment.
You feel at ease as you deepen your connection with Source, giving you the freedom to know that everything is happening exactly as it needs to.
When you live from this place, you will bring this into your external marriage.
Having broken the inner walls of illusion, you will have the space to manifest your "perfect love" and find a soulmate.
It is most helpful to be in resonance with yourself first and then bring this into your marriage.
From this place, you become the living example for those around you.
The more people who are able to create this Divine Marriage, the more peace we will have on the planet.
From this place, we have infinite possibilities available to us.
If you have not quite reached this Divine Marriage and have taken the vow of marriage, understand that what you are looking for is to feel whole within yourself.
Allow your marriage to support you.
Listen attentively to your partner without judgment and see what this person is showing you.
Whether it is a good time or challenging one, you can listen to your partner to find deeper pieces for your own evolution.
Put down your sword and choose your battles.
Ask yourself if what you are upset about is really worth a discussion or is it some old wound within yourself that you need to heal.
If you have a special relationship or can find a soulmate, nurture it and be at peace.
If you are still working on attaining this connection and feel your relationship warrants your effort, then proceed forward with love and willingness to change.
It will take both parties having a desire and commitment to keep this relationship alive and unfolding.
Who knows, maybe you already have the perfect love and are ready to find a soulmate in your relationship.
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