How to Use Definite Article Correctly in a Sentence
It has been observed that most of the people whose second language is English make mistakes when they have to use articles correctly. Here in the blog, I have brought plenty of rules for you after consulting a teacher of English Grammar, at The Academic Advantage, a well known coaching institute in a small Indian town.
As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, you should use definite article €the' when you are sure that what you are referring to is well known to the person whom you are talking. For example, I am telling you in this article about the definite article and I know it very well that you have heard about this, so I have used the word €the' before definite article.
The first thing that you have to see before using an article is whether the thing about which you want to talk about is specific or not.
When you talk about anything that is unknown to you or the person whom you are talking, then first time you have to use the article €a'. Now, after the first mention of the thing, the thing becomes specific and then you can use the definite article with that thing.
I saw a man crying on a road. The man was crying because he lost his purse.
Suppose you are in Australia and you want to talk about the prime minister of Australia, you will have to say the prime minister will visit America tomorrow. As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, the reason to use €the' is very clear that there is only one prime minister in Australia.
He has been working in the hospital for two years.
You will say €the hospital' if you and the person with whom you are talking are well aware of the hospital in that he is working.
On the other side, if you or the person with whom you are talking are unaware of the hospital in which he is working, you will have to use €a' first time.
He has been working in a hospital for two years.
As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, you should use €the' when you are talking about something that is unique. For example, the sun, the moon, the Nile, the Ganges, the earth, the pope, the sky€¦
With superlative adjectives and unique adjectives, you will have to use €the'.
Johnson is the best boy in the class.
You will have to use the before best because best is a superlative.
Mexico City is the most populous city in the world.
She is the main woman of the team.
As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, you should not use the definite article €the' before or after the words this/that/these/those/some/any/each/every/no/none/my/mine.
When you are talking about things in general, you should not use the definite article.
It appears astonishing to see what gymnasts can do.
There is no need to use non count noun.
Love can help to overcome many troubles.
When you talk about things in general, you can use the indefinite article too.
It appears astonishing to see what a gymnast can do.
As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, when you talk about a thing for the purpose for that it is used, you need not put article but if you use the thing for any other purpose, you should the definite article.
I go to school. (Either for studying or teaching)
I go to school to attend the parents-teachers meeting held every month. (It is not thing for which a school stands for)
I go to bed at 10'o clock.
I love to jump on the bed.
When you talk about periods of time like decades, centuries and historic periods, you need to use the definite article €the'.
He was a superstar in the 1970's.
Following these rules will make the things very easy for you when you have to use articles, so keep these rules in your mind.
As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, you should use definite article €the' when you are sure that what you are referring to is well known to the person whom you are talking. For example, I am telling you in this article about the definite article and I know it very well that you have heard about this, so I have used the word €the' before definite article.
The first thing that you have to see before using an article is whether the thing about which you want to talk about is specific or not.
When you talk about anything that is unknown to you or the person whom you are talking, then first time you have to use the article €a'. Now, after the first mention of the thing, the thing becomes specific and then you can use the definite article with that thing.
I saw a man crying on a road. The man was crying because he lost his purse.
Suppose you are in Australia and you want to talk about the prime minister of Australia, you will have to say the prime minister will visit America tomorrow. As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, the reason to use €the' is very clear that there is only one prime minister in Australia.
He has been working in the hospital for two years.
You will say €the hospital' if you and the person with whom you are talking are well aware of the hospital in that he is working.
On the other side, if you or the person with whom you are talking are unaware of the hospital in which he is working, you will have to use €a' first time.
He has been working in a hospital for two years.
As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, you should use €the' when you are talking about something that is unique. For example, the sun, the moon, the Nile, the Ganges, the earth, the pope, the sky€¦
With superlative adjectives and unique adjectives, you will have to use €the'.
Johnson is the best boy in the class.
You will have to use the before best because best is a superlative.
Mexico City is the most populous city in the world.
She is the main woman of the team.
As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, you should not use the definite article €the' before or after the words this/that/these/those/some/any/each/every/no/none/my/mine.
When you are talking about things in general, you should not use the definite article.
It appears astonishing to see what gymnasts can do.
There is no need to use non count noun.
Love can help to overcome many troubles.
When you talk about things in general, you can use the indefinite article too.
It appears astonishing to see what a gymnast can do.
As per the views of the teacher of English Grammar at The Academic Advantage, when you talk about a thing for the purpose for that it is used, you need not put article but if you use the thing for any other purpose, you should the definite article.
I go to school. (Either for studying or teaching)
I go to school to attend the parents-teachers meeting held every month. (It is not thing for which a school stands for)
I go to bed at 10'o clock.
I love to jump on the bed.
When you talk about periods of time like decades, centuries and historic periods, you need to use the definite article €the'.
He was a superstar in the 1970's.
Following these rules will make the things very easy for you when you have to use articles, so keep these rules in your mind.