What Not to Do in Order to Get Your Ex Back - You Must Know This Before It"s Too Late
Some of these remedies could be unique to specific relationships.
At the same time, there are a few things no one should do, if they want to re-establish a relationship.
Never postpone going about it, if you are sure that you want your ex back.
Give the other a reasonable time to recover from the distress and then try to communicate with him or her.
Some people have hyperactive egos and so want the other to be the one to call or write first.
This attitude is not going to help.
By delaying too much, the ex may get into other relationships and then it might become too late.
Do not promise, or try to live up to exaggerated or idealistic notions of romance as seen in movies or novels.
Such portrayals of man-woman relationship are designed to suit the needs of the creative media.
Understand that average man's equations are slightly different.
For example, do not tell your ex that you are going to commit suicide if you cannot get her back.
Never act despondent or miserable in front of an ex, however strongly you feel that you cannot live without him or her.
Desperate behavior has more potential to repulse another individual than attract him or her.
Trying to meet the other in a park or office is okay, though persistent following everywhere, in the hope of reconnecting, is very unhealthy.
Continuous trailing of a person can amount to stalking, which is illegal.
While attempting reconciliation, do not repeatedly rake up the misgivings and reasons that led to the break up.
The issues should be discussed only to the extent that is necessary to clear the qualms.
Other than that, it is best to let sleeping dogs lie.
By burying the negatives while renewing a relationship, you will be bolstering the strengths of the bond and smothering its flaws.