How To Make Online Money NOW
It's a bit like asking a competitor how you can be as good as he is...
And what's more the information you need is free and you should never pay for it.
I would certainly suggest that you do not ever pay anyone to show you how to make online money from selling e-books or manuals on the subject of how to make online money.
Slowly slowly, catch monkey...
Ever heard that phrase? Take your time, this is not get rich quick, you are building a real business and that takes time, commitment and determined application.
You need to focus on grabbing your visitor's attention.
Taking cheapshots and using gimmicks to grab attention is a sure fire path to failure.
The right sort of attention takes time, money and effort to cultivate and isn't easy to do with conventional SEO.
It's also not really scalable..
There is a way to get the expensive attention.
You need to figure out how and go do it.
Attention alone is not enough though...
You need to focus on building trust.
Trust is so important and a necessary ingredient in your recipe for online business success.
Don't get caught up on the fact that what you are delivering is 'online'.
It is still a real business.
Create value and masses of it and your audience will love you for it.
In fact, one of the best strategies is to give away some of your best stuff to build the trust that turns visitors into buyers.
Your business online will take care of itself and be just fine as long as it is underpinned by a commitment on your part to deliver massive value at all times.
Give it time and don't burn your bridges.
In other words...
Don't quit your job, not yet at least! The great thing about an online business is that you can start small and build really big on part time hours and only a small financial investment.
Build yourself up as the recognised expert in your chosen niche.
Your online reputation is so important and needs to stand up in your audience's eyes.
Narrow down and specialise in one specific niche.
No niche is too small as long as you own it.
You need to connect people to solutions to their challenges.
Subscriber Create a track record that adds value to your online reputation on a daily basis.
Making offline money - The skill to effectively communicate the value of your offering in a face to face situation, will help you to do the same online.
There is no magic online.
Success comes from persistently applying tried and trusted strategies.
Give massive value and be the absolute best at what you do.
Harder to do than say but necessary for success.
Build relationships with people who are committed to doing things the right way and not those looking for shortcuts.
You can always learn from them.
Fail as often you like but keep it cheap.
The is one of the greatest gifts the internet has given people who want to make their way in business online.
Start by making small amounts of money and then scale it up.
You should use a funnel system will continually introduces your audience to higher ticket, higher value items.
Keep ahead of the game and try not to get sold on some idea that was big news yesterday because the big players will have milked that cow dry and moved on leaving you with little or nothing.
Aim high and be focused at all times.
Only work on things that are relevant to you and don't pander to other people's agendas.
Educate yourself.
Persistence is the key.
Learn and master the necessary skills of online business owner.
The is not a game but a serious business.
The more value you give the more success you will get.