Learn How to Grow the Graceful Weeping Willow
Weeping willow is probably the most well known of the weeping trees. It is great for use as a focal point and in areas that are moist. They love water, so do not plant them near sewer or water lines. If you do, there may be problems.
Latin Name:
The botanical name for this tree is Salix babylonica. The Salix genus is part of the Salicaceae (willow) family.
Common Names:
This species is the weeping willow.
Preferred USDA Hardiness Zones:
You can plant Salix babylonica in Zones 4-9a. Make sure to choose a variety that will work in your zone. If you are able to keep it well watered, it can also be grown in Zone 10.
Size & Shape of the Weeping Willow:
The weeping willow grows to a height and width of 35-50' on average, with a weeping shape.
This tree should be grown in full sun.
Foliage/ Flowers/Fruit:
The leaves of Salix babylonica are 3-6" long and lance shaped. They turn yellow in the fall before dropping.
The yellow catkins appear in spring. They are unconspicuous. This species is dioecious.
The fruit is a 1/2" brown capsule.
Additional Facts:
This willow tree produces salicylic acid, which was the model for our modern aspirin.
Design Tips:
Weeping willow trees work well in areas that are naturally quite moist.
Since they love water, Salix babylonica should not be planted near sewer or water lines, or septic tanks, as they will naturally grow towards them and potentially break them.
Weeping willow trees do tend to shed a lot of leaves and twigs, and the tree is brittle.
The bark is reddish brown during the winter.
Plan on this as a relatively short term tree - they live, on average, for about 30 years.
Growing Tips:
This tree grows best in moist soil that is well-draining. It is salt tolerant, and tolerant of a wide variety of soils and pHs.
Propagation of Salix babylonica is through cuttings.
While the tree is young, prune it so that there is only one central leader. It should also be trained to have wide branch crotches to help prevent breakage.
Pests & Diseases:
Common pests include the gypsy moth, caterpillars, scales, aphids, and borers.
This tree may be affected by willow scab, crown gall, willow blight, black canker, fungi, cankers, leaf spot, tar spot, powdery mildew, rust and root rot.