Narrative Writing Lesson Plans 3rd Grade
- Lead the students in a discussion of the best day they ever had. Explain the definition of narrative writing (writing that tells a story). Have the children create a story planner by writing down answers to the following questions: What event or events happened? When and where did it happen? What are three to five details about the day? How did the day end?
Allow students to pair up and share their writing plan with each other. - Instruct students to use their story planner to write their stories. Give criteria for the story. Your criteria might be that the story must consist of three to five paragraphs, a title, an introductory sentence and a conclusion sentence. Monitor students as they write to make sure they are following the process. If a student becomes too frustrated or blocked, you may advise him or her to go back and change the planner to describe a different day.
- Redistribute the students' papers and have them check their papers for the following: grammar, punctuation, spelling and form. Divide the students into groups of two or three and have them exchange papers with each other. Instruct the children to look for ways to help their peers make their papers better. After the students meet for about 10 minutes, have them go back to their desks to write their final copies using their own revisions as well as the suggestions of classmates. Once the stories have been written, allow opportunities for the students to read their stories aloud to the class.