What Are the Things I Should Do to Get My Ex Back
You get to miss the one you love and have probably always spent precious time with.
At this point one of the questions that keep coming to your head may be "What are the things I should do to get my ex back".
There are so many things you might want to do at this time which may include going through so many websites, blogs, forums and courses that talk about break up in relationships in order to answer your question on what things I should do to get my ex back.
But common sense and courtesy can make a difference and can also go a long way toward healing your relationship.
Following this simple advice can give you the best chance of getting back together with that special someone and you don't have to keep wondering what things to do to get your ex back.
Playing games: Don't play games during the break up period.
Let me explain this.
If you try to manipulate your ex by making them think you don't care when you really do, you are giving them a wrong signal that may ultimately lead to them not wanting to come back to you even when you try afterward to get them back.
Making your ex think you care more than you really do is also wrong signals which can make them feel great at that time but it won't last for long.
You will eventually realize that the lying and tricking games that you have played don't give a good feeling and if your ex has come back to you because of that, it won't last because it was built on lies.
Some people can play games by pretending to be dating someone or pretending to be in love with someone just to get their ex jealous, while it may work in some cases, it can also cause a permanent breakup because it backfires.
This could happen because your ex may have gotten the impression that since you have started dating someone else, you have moved on quickly and don't care about them and they decide to move on too.
Don't be mean: Anger never solves any problem.
The circumstances that surrounds the reason for the break up may be one that will make you angry and vicious, but the fact that you want to know 'what should I do to get my ex back?' shows that you are ready to forgive that person and find a way of making the relationship work.
If you don't want your ex back and think you can't have him or her back, you'd be glad the relationship was over.
Now think again about how you have been acting and try to put you in your ex's position.
If you were your ex, would you look forward to spending time with you or look forward to talking to you? Or would you dread every time you want to be your ex? You have to show a level of maturity mentally by not raising all kinds of arguments or nagging.
You may feel like it, but don't.
When you are able to control your anger and hurt, you definitely will be a person your ex can miss.
Answering the question "what things should I do to get my ex back" Exhibit your best behavior and it will make your ex remember what drew him or her to you in the first place and they will miss that in you.
You will then have a better chance of being able to get back with your ex.
These steps above are just the beginning of what things you should do to get your ex back and they are ideas from T'Dub' on the 'The Magic of Making Up' and it did work like magic for people I know that have used it.