Men's Marriage Advice
Foreplay Begins at Breakfast is a motto that most would have lived by for many years. Why you ask? Well you as a male would enjoy intimacy as much as any other male and when you don't get it you feel cranky, let down and neglected.
99% of the time it was your fault that intimacy or to put it bluntly sexual advances where rejected because you were only thinking of yourselfself.
Experienced married males have learned the following men's marriage advice secrets help increase the Monday to Friday strike rate for intimate encounters
1. The simple process of talking to your partner and discussing the good, the bad and the ugly about the day helps the ladies de-stress.
2. The even simpler skill of being a good listener. Let your partner unload the day's ‘baggage' without interrupting or passing judgment on them is important. Ok I know it's hard to bite your tongue all the time!
3. Display signs of affection (hugs, kisses, etc) without the sole purpose of it leading to bedroom action.
4. Allow your partner time away from the mundane, everyday life routines. Send her out for some time alone or with friends to enjoy a coffee or shopping. And don't ask for a return favor!
5. Help your partner with as many of those mundane, everyday life routines as you can. Work commitments sometimes make it difficult to be any great help however the simple act of acknowledging and assisting around the home as much as possible, will be appreciated.
6. Take a leading role in one part of your kid's everyday life routines. Take control of the homework, school lunches, drop off or pick up. Your partner will feel they are not shouldering all the responsibility of bringing up the kids.
7. What chore / job does your partner hate the most around the home? Do it for them.
8. Help your partner stay in shape or lose some weight. Go walking, ride the bikes, go to gym, anything but do it together.
That's all common sense most men would say. Right on, but how many of the above can males actually say they participate in regularly?
It has been scientifically researched that for a women to want to show intimacy or feel sexually turned on she must de-stress a part of her brain.
If kid's, work, relationships, money problems, life's routines or the male himself just to name a few issues are causing ladies to become stressed than the chances of any male receiving any intimate bedroom action is very much limited to only the occasional "I'll do it because I have to' sex.
Intimacy and sexual relations are part of healthy relationships. Improve your ‘strike rate' by being proactive and not relying on your predictable shoulder rub at 10pm every night to get some action between the sheets.
Execute this men's marriage advice and be ready for an early night!