How to Re-Map a Shift Key for a MacBook
- 1). KeyRemap4MacBook adds a new pane to the System Preferences, accessible through the Apple menu. Simply check the boxes next to the desired re-mappings, which are grouped by key. These include the other modifier keys, the "Function" key, "Escape" and "Space." In addition, the left and right "Shift" keys can be made to act as "Back" and "Forward" buttons in applications like Safari and the Finder. There is only a limited range of options for each key, but if your desired re-mapping is among them, this is the simplest way to achieve it.
- 2). Keyboard Maestro is an immensely powerful program that allows deep control of your system using a huge array of inputs, even MIDI notes from a musical keyboard. To re-map the "Shift" key, create a "Device Trigger" macro triggering a "Type a Keystroke" action. You must configure each "Shift" key separately. Note that most key re-mappings should be accomplished using a "Hot Key Trigger" instead. Unlike the other options, Keyboard Maestro is commercial software, costing $36 with a 30-day trial.
- 3). The program fKeys is suitable for use on MacBooks shipped up to mid-2007, which are still running their original OS, version 10.4 (Tiger). Its annotated source code is included in the download, allowing the curious to see exactly how it works. As that implies, this is a more technically demanding solution than the others, and should be approached with caution. However, it offers greater flexibility than KeyRemap4MacBook, and is free, unlike Keyboard Maestro.