How to Make Items Out Construction Paper
- 1). Cut several 2-inch by 6-inch strips of the color construction paper of your choice. The number of strips you need to cut depends on the number of individuals who eat at your table.
- 2). Wrap the strips around so that they form a circle. Overlap the ends and glue them together. You now have a napkin ring.
- 3). Decorate your napkin rings with fake jewels, character stickers, pom poms, ribbons or any other craft item.
- 1). Cut a piece of construction paper that measures 12 inches by 6 inches.
- 2). Fold the construction paper rectangle in half so that it becomes a square that measures 6 inches by 6 inches. Unfold the construction paper square back in to the original rectangle.
- 3). Roll each side of the piece of construction paper until it touches by the crease in the middle of the paper.
- 4). Place a piece of tape across the construction paper where the two rolls touch. Use one piece of tape at each end. This will keep the construction paper binoculars in the appropriate shape.
- 5). Cut a 2-foot piece of yarn and attach one end to the left side of the binoculars and one end to the right side. This will allow the child to hang the binoculars from his neck.
- 1). Cut out a 6-inch diameter circle from a light-colored sheet of construction paper.
- 2). Draw two arrows, one 3 inches long and one 2 inches long, on a dark-colored sheet of construction paper. Cut the arrows out.
- 3). Make a dot in the center of the circle with a black marker. Add numbers to the clock. Start with 12 at the top and 6 at the bottom. Add a 3 to the middle right side and a 9 to the middle left side. It will now be much easier to fill in the rest of the missing numbers.
- 4). Lay both arrows over the dot at the center of the circle. Push a brass paper fastener through the arrows and the dot. Fasten in place.
- 5). Move the smaller arrow to set the hour and the larger arrow to set the minutes.
Construction Paper Napkin Rings
Construction Paper Binoculars
Construction Paper Clock