Saving Your Marriage, Stop Denial and Stop Divorce
News flash-they won't unless you admit you have problems and work hard to put them right.
How easy or difficult this might be depends on how much effort you want to put into it.
If you are seeing warning signs prompt you into thinking about saving your marriage and stop divorce, it's time to take action.
A few of those warning signs are a reluctance to go home, not looking forward to seeing your spouse, irritation when they speak to you and a feeling of disconnection with your spouse.
If you are no longer interested in intimate relations with your spouse and fantasize more than usual about different partners, you must think about saving your marriage before things progress any further.
Marriage counseling works for many couples but if your spouse is reluctant you will have to sit down and have an honest discussion.
Counseling provides objective arbitrator that will keep things from getting out of hand if tempers flare.
It is a safe, neutral setting where a couple can feel more relaxed about revealing their true emotions.
If your spouse refuses counseling you will have to plan a time and a place to have a frank and honest discussion together.
Choose a time and place away from children, family and friends, hopefully a place neither of you has been before.
It should be a quiet place where you won't be interrupted or overheard.
Many couples choose to rent a hotel room where they can be comfortable and stay as long as they like.
Confrontation should be the furthest thing from your mind! Putting your spouse on the defensive will almost guarantee that your attempt to solve your problems will fail.
You should also not expect one discussion to solve all your problems-this initial heart to heart talk will merely lay out the issues in your marriage for you both to see so don't expect easy solutions.
This may sound defeatist but it is the first step to saving your marriage.
Once you have all your issues out in the open you can begin to start the process of saving your marriage by dealing with them one by one.
Saving your marriage absolutely must involve both of you.
If you are the only one trying to patch things up the odds are overwhelmingly against you.
It is important for both of you to want the marriage to work.
Be ready to compromise and sacrifice and do so willingly.
If the two of you have gotten to the point where you are barely speaking or have grown apart and living as strangers, think of all the things that attracted you before you were married.
Those traits are still there! They may have been buried under the pressure of the relationship but the man or woman you fell in love with is eagerly awaiting you.
All you have to do is put in some effort.
Years from now you'll look back and be glad you took action.