SSL Certificate: What It Is and How I Get One
The SSL certificate helps to make sure that the data or information that you are exchanging between you and the web site you are visiting cannot be read by a third party by encrypting the data sent between your computer and the web site's server.
There are several reasons why a web site owner would want to ensure that their web site has a SSL.
One of the main reasons would that the site keeps sensitive information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, identification numbers, credit card information, or any other information that can be used to steal a person's identity.
It is important to be aware of a web sites SSL certificate authenticity.
Any type of data that is transmitted across the internet can be easily intercepted.
It is also important to be aware that some web sites will display fake SSLs.
However, with the proper internet security suite installed on your computer you should be able to detect these fairly quickly.
Even without the internet security suite Internet Explorer will prompt you when it detects an expired or fake SSL.
Having the extra security can always be of more help than hindrance.
With that being said, SSLs do not have to be expensive.
with a proper Internet search it is possible to get a free SSL certificate from a SSL certificate provider.
Once you have done a search for a free SSL certificate provider, you will simply fill out a form providing specified information about yourself and your site.
Some may find that the easiest way to get a free SSL certificate is to go directly through the SSL certificate authority.
Getting the certificate is really the simple part as most certificate authorities will have installation instructions for all types of servers.
The next step after reading the instruction is to create an account with that certificate authority.
One of the greatest features that some certificate authorities offer is a installation wizard to help you get your new SSL installed.
Once the SSL is installed you will then post a link on your web site to that certificate so your visitors can easily view it any time they want.