Homemade Helmet Cam
- The first thing you're obviously going to need is a camera of some kind that can fit on or inside a helmet. While taping or securing a small camcorder to the top of the helmet is certainly an option, it will most likely be hard to protect that camera from collisions and will be awkward to wear, as having an extra couple pounds on top of the helmet on top of your head is an awkward thing to have to deal with. Small digital video cameras like the RCA Small Wonder or the Sony GC-1 are both options, though the picture quality may be a little downgraded and the camera is an odd shape for a helmet. You can also just measure the screw-hole in the bottom of your camera, which most cameras come with, and match that up to a nut, washer and bolt that you can screw into place.
- Most helmets have holes in the top of them to allow the heat coming off the head to aerate, however it's important to have a hole that's exactly the same size as the bolt you will be pushing through it, so that the camera doesn't wobble around continuously while you are moving. So you may need to find a heavy-duty bike or motorcycle helmet and with a power drill bit that matches the size of your bolt, drill a hole in the top of the helmet. Try putting the helmet on at this point with the bolt sewn through and secured by the nut. If it's uncomfortable, add some padding below it for the top of your head.
- Once the hole is drilled in the top of the helmet, attach the camera to the top of the helmet by screwing it onto the exposed threads of the bolt. Make sure it is secure on there and on the right part of your head so that the camera doesn't make the helmet top heavy. A battery will be attached or installed in the camera itself and should run fine this way. If your camera is still to big or top heavy on the top of the helmet, try installing it on the side of the helmet at eye level by using gaffers tape or strong vice clips which can hold the camera body in place without harming the camera itself or snapping off and hitting you in the face if you trip or fall while wearing the helmet cam.
The Camera
The Helmet