Bee Stings and Anaphylactic Shock Can Ruin Any Holiday

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Bee stings usually seem to occur when you are out for a picnic or camping.
Somewhere where you are relaxing and enjoying the peace.
Somewhere where you often don't have any solution to first aid treatment.
But the last thing you want to do is to get up and go to find help.
That tends to shatter the relaxing mood you are just getting into.
But then again, you need to take bee stings seriously.
Apart from the stinging pain, the swelling, the tightness, the redness, the apparent anger of the bite, if this is your first bite, then you also need to consider anaphylactic shock.
Although anaphylactic shock is not very common, when it does occur it's alarming.
Typically your neck swells, almost regardless of where the bite was.
With your neck swelling, you obviously have difficulty breathing.
This can be especially alarming in young children.
But you can go on that holiday fully prepared for just such an occasion.
Apis is a homeopathic medicine which is wonderful for treating any insect stings which looks just like a typical bee sting:
  • the pain is stinging or burning in nature
  • the swelling is red and rosy
  • the swelling is tight and hard
  • some relief is experienced with cold applications, whereas hot makes the pain worse
Apis is the number one homeopathic medicine for anaphylactic shock from any cause, because that picture looks the same - swelling in the throat, pain.
Apis will effectively deal with the majority of these situations.
Not all, but most.
Dose will be every couple if minutes until relief starts to occur.
If you gain no relief after about six doses, then it's not the right medicine for you.
Apis is found in most homeopathic home prescribing kits.
Be prepared for those bee stings.
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