How Can I Get My Ex-Girlfriend to Come Back to Me? The Age Old Question
Soon afterwards you realized that being alone was not for you and now you want your ex back.
Or was it that you got cold feet when you saw that your relationship was getting really serious.
You were frightened by the idea of taking on the responsibility of bringing up a family.
After you had given your situation some thought, you realized that if you were about to lose the love of your life, if you had not already done so.
These scenarios are very common; they come from the fact that men generally never discuss their feelings with their partner.
So, if you see yourself in either of these scenarios, do not be surprised as you are certainly not alone.
In this context, how are you going to get your girlfriend to take you back? Your success in getting her back will depend entirely on what she thinks of you.
If you were the first real love in her life and it is the first time you have broken up you may well find she forgives you.
Where you have dumped her often, it is likely going to be a bit more complicated; you will have to do a lot of work if you are to succeed.
You should start by sending her a handwritten letter telling her what you are thinking and saying you want her to come back.
She will likely be surprised by the effort you have made to write to her.
If you have behaved badly you should apologize and say why you want her to return.
Let her know how much you really love her and ask her to give you one more chance.
Remind her about all the wonderful times you have had together.
Then invite her out to dinner at a nice restaurant and lay on all your charm.
Make sure that you flatter her and give her a great night out.
Take your time and let her advance as fast as she chooses.
Tell her honestly how you feel.
If you do things right you may well be able to persuade her to come back to you and you will have your answer to this age old question.
Joe Bisley