Duct Cleaning Questions Answered
Most homeowners have a few questions when we come to the house to clean their ducts. There are some common concerns that are so common we can reply to them in writing. If you're thinking about getting your ducts cleaned then have a quick look over this article to see if your concerns are answered..
Question #1 - How much time can pass between duct cleanings?
There is no standard answer to this one, as there are more than few things to consider. If you have pets, have a lot of people in the home, smoke, or tend to sweep dust and debris into the registers or vents then a high frequency is beneficial, about once every year. You also may require more frequent duct cleaning if you have respiratory problems such as allergies or bronchitis as it will help control your symptoms. If not, then less frequently is fine. It really depends on what's in your household as well as how much you react to bad air.
Question #2 - How big is your vacuum?
This one is a little misdirected. Vacuum size isn't that important, it's how strong the motor is is what matters. You want a machine that moves not less than 2000cfm (cubic feet per minute) as there are large items that can be not that easy to dislodge. So the ability of a vacuum to suck air at the minimum rate has little to do with its' size, as new machines are designed to be stronger yet smaller.
Question #3 - How long does duct cleaning take?
The duration is dependant on how large your home is. Houses with a standard layout and an area of around 2500 square feet are almost always completed in 2 hours or less. Larger homes with more complex designs will take more time, as there may be intricate ductwork in addition to more rooms. But house size isn't the only consideration. If the homeowner has exposed all the vents and registers as well as 2 feet around the furnace we will finish that much quicker. So if that work is not done beforehand the job will take us a little longer to finish.
Question #4 - Is it loud?
Not for the customer. Outside the home can be a little loud, and while I wouldn't say it's too loud, this is why we don't clean ducts before 9am.
Question #5 - Your prices are less than other duct cleaners. Why is that?
Our pricing structure was set up in this manner to reach out to those people who have a house that is smaller than the average customer. People who have their ducts cleaned tend to be a bit more well to do, and we realized if the cost depended on the house size more our services would be available to more people. The way we price our services is meant to entice those who normally would not be interested in getting their ducts cleaned.
Question #1 - How much time can pass between duct cleanings?
There is no standard answer to this one, as there are more than few things to consider. If you have pets, have a lot of people in the home, smoke, or tend to sweep dust and debris into the registers or vents then a high frequency is beneficial, about once every year. You also may require more frequent duct cleaning if you have respiratory problems such as allergies or bronchitis as it will help control your symptoms. If not, then less frequently is fine. It really depends on what's in your household as well as how much you react to bad air.
Question #2 - How big is your vacuum?
This one is a little misdirected. Vacuum size isn't that important, it's how strong the motor is is what matters. You want a machine that moves not less than 2000cfm (cubic feet per minute) as there are large items that can be not that easy to dislodge. So the ability of a vacuum to suck air at the minimum rate has little to do with its' size, as new machines are designed to be stronger yet smaller.
Question #3 - How long does duct cleaning take?
The duration is dependant on how large your home is. Houses with a standard layout and an area of around 2500 square feet are almost always completed in 2 hours or less. Larger homes with more complex designs will take more time, as there may be intricate ductwork in addition to more rooms. But house size isn't the only consideration. If the homeowner has exposed all the vents and registers as well as 2 feet around the furnace we will finish that much quicker. So if that work is not done beforehand the job will take us a little longer to finish.
Question #4 - Is it loud?
Not for the customer. Outside the home can be a little loud, and while I wouldn't say it's too loud, this is why we don't clean ducts before 9am.
Question #5 - Your prices are less than other duct cleaners. Why is that?
Our pricing structure was set up in this manner to reach out to those people who have a house that is smaller than the average customer. People who have their ducts cleaned tend to be a bit more well to do, and we realized if the cost depended on the house size more our services would be available to more people. The way we price our services is meant to entice those who normally would not be interested in getting their ducts cleaned.