How to Remove Pine-Sol Smell From Carpet
- 1). Flush the area of the carpet using a large cup filled with cool water, and pour it on the carpet. Lay towels on top of the carpet, and apply pressure to absorb excess water. Continue laying dry towels and applying pressure until you can no longer absorb any moisture.
- 2). Let the carpet dry for several hours. Continue with the next step if the Pine-Sol odor remains.
- 3). Dampen the carpet with distilled, undiluted white vinegar, and let it dry. As the vinegar dries on the fabric, its pungent aroma will dissipate and take the Pine-Sol odor with it. Continue to the next step if the smell is still present.
- 4). Scrub baking soda into the dry carpet with a soft-bristled scrub brush. Allow the powder to sit on the carpet overnight. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda off the carpet.
- 5). Repeat Step 3 and step 4 until you remove all the Pine-Sol odor.