2002 Your True Tales
Story of the Month:The Nameless
Saved from Suicide - Strange UFO, MIB Encounters
Brain Tumor Has Startling Effects - Long-Term Haunting
Old Hag, Weird Lights and Moving Objects
Bridge Apparition - A Friendly Spirit
The Screaming Ghost - Slapped by a Ghost
Just a Coincidence? - Playmate Auntie
Prophetic Dream - The Ouija That Wouldn't Go Away
Spirits in the House - The Thing in the House
Haunted Houses - Saved from a Rip Tide
Night Terrors - Uncle's Haunted House
Spirits or Angels?
- Demonic Photographer
Unexplained Creature - Anna Jennings' Ghost
The Typing Ghost - Music from the Past
A Gift from My Father
Cell Phone Madness - Eyes of a Stranger
Psychic Bond - The Scratches
The Toy - Haunted Hospital
Unexplained Near Wreck - Channeled Music?
I Was Elizabeth Tudor - Grandma Comes Back
Ghost in the House - House of Weird Activity
Brother Communicates Through Toy - Death March
The Faeries - The Cloudy White Figure
Messages from John - The Man in the Barn
Voice in the Car - "Oppy" Still Visits
Miraculous Oil - SLIder's Directed Energy
Demons of the Cemetery - The Visiting Monk
Spirits and Guardian Angels - Automatic Writing
Bizarre Office Mayhem - Nasty Ghost and Exorcism
The Demon Greedo - Haunted Senior Home
Disappearing Items and More - Zozo, Hest and Others
The Partyers - Poltergeist Activity
Is My Mom Watching? - Psychic Sibling
The Light at the Cabin - The Growl Behind the Door
Ex-Husband's Message - A Demon Released
Dad's Trance - Fever Dream or NDE
Entity in a Robe
MARCH 2002
Story of the Month:The White-Robed Figure
Drunken Apparition - A Face in the Fire
Insane Haunting - Voices in the Tunnel
"I Followed You" - Belligerent Old Hag
The Accident - New Orleans Ghost
Tormenting, Taunting Demons - Cheeky Poltergeist
Poppa's Dollars - Missing Dad
The Ouija Battle - Ghosts Everywhere
Devil in Human Form - Japanese Soldier's Ghost
Little Angel's Message - Blood-Curdling Whisper
Remote Viewing Experiment - Past Life as Sophie?
Phone Call that Never Was - Eerie Phone Call
Blood from the Sky - Two British Ghosts
Ghost Hound - Beautiful UFO Sighting
Contact from Beyond
APRIL 2002
Story of the Month:Shadows? People Demons?
The Voice Outside the Window - My Sister and the Rose
Freaky House - My Mother's Angel
The Séance - Angels in the Ball Field
Robert the Demon Doll - Presence in the Back Seat
Thunderbird Sighting - The Inner Command
Abduction Experience - Saved By Dad's Voice
Angels At Night - Ice Circle Formation
Bubble of Protection - Poltergeist Prankster
Shadow Man of the Alcove - Hearing is Believing
Followed by Strange UFO - Shadow Dog
Menacing Shadow - Wrong Number, Right Time
Many Shadows - Evil Ghost
Ghost in the Kitchen - Invisible Visitor
Shadow People in New York - Cowboy Ghosts
Haunted Tales from Portugal - Hotbed of Ghostly Activity
Three Weird Tales - What a Coincidence
Startling Premonitions - Visions of Blood
Fortunate Precognition - In Love Possessed
Haunted Reflection - Face at the Window
MAY 2002
Story of the Month:Friendly Helpers
Grandma or Poltergeist? - Poked and Touched in the Night
Who Called My Name? - Disturbing Premonitions
The Possessed Truck - The Three Spirits
Almost Possessed? - The Thing with Ruby Eyes
Footsteps at Night - Time Slips
Scratching Poltergeist - Do I Have PK?
Unusual OBE - Three Weird Tales
My Child's Dark Past Life - Personal Vision
Dad Checks Her Out - The Traffic Angel
Starr's Cave Angel - Message from Nanny
JUNE 2002
Story of the Month:Strange Leaping Creature
Active Poltergeist - Upstairs Ghost
My Spirit World - Unfinished Business
Shadow People Speak - Three Weird Experiences
My Shadow Brother - My Mother, the Angel
The Glowing Green - Chupacabras Visit
Call from the ER - Grandma Retrieves Her Lipstick
Skinwalkers - New Years Eve Ghost
Fever Visions - Roadside Ghost
Near-Death Vision Verified - Spared from Crushing Accident
Shared Haunting and Dream - Dream into Reality
E-Mail from Beyond - Ghost Dog
Queen Mary Ghost - Mom's Psychic Warning
The Black Cloud - The Soldier
Lake LBJ Monster - Father Communicates
July - December 2002 stories
Past years of Your True Tales
Have a paranormal story of your own you'd like to share with other readers?
Here's how to submit your story.
Story of the Month:The Nameless
Saved from Suicide - Strange UFO, MIB Encounters
Brain Tumor Has Startling Effects - Long-Term Haunting
Old Hag, Weird Lights and Moving Objects
Bridge Apparition - A Friendly Spirit
The Screaming Ghost - Slapped by a Ghost
Just a Coincidence? - Playmate Auntie
Prophetic Dream - The Ouija That Wouldn't Go Away
Spirits in the House - The Thing in the House
Haunted Houses - Saved from a Rip Tide
Night Terrors - Uncle's Haunted House
Spirits or Angels?
- Demonic Photographer
Unexplained Creature - Anna Jennings' Ghost
The Typing Ghost - Music from the Past
A Gift from My Father
Cell Phone Madness - Eyes of a Stranger
Psychic Bond - The Scratches
The Toy - Haunted Hospital
Unexplained Near Wreck - Channeled Music?
I Was Elizabeth Tudor - Grandma Comes Back
Ghost in the House - House of Weird Activity
Brother Communicates Through Toy - Death March
The Faeries - The Cloudy White Figure
Messages from John - The Man in the Barn
Voice in the Car - "Oppy" Still Visits
Miraculous Oil - SLIder's Directed Energy
Demons of the Cemetery - The Visiting Monk
Spirits and Guardian Angels - Automatic Writing
Bizarre Office Mayhem - Nasty Ghost and Exorcism
The Demon Greedo - Haunted Senior Home
Disappearing Items and More - Zozo, Hest and Others
The Partyers - Poltergeist Activity
Is My Mom Watching? - Psychic Sibling
The Light at the Cabin - The Growl Behind the Door
Ex-Husband's Message - A Demon Released
Dad's Trance - Fever Dream or NDE
Entity in a Robe
MARCH 2002
Story of the Month:The White-Robed Figure
Drunken Apparition - A Face in the Fire
Insane Haunting - Voices in the Tunnel
"I Followed You" - Belligerent Old Hag
The Accident - New Orleans Ghost
Tormenting, Taunting Demons - Cheeky Poltergeist
Poppa's Dollars - Missing Dad
The Ouija Battle - Ghosts Everywhere
Devil in Human Form - Japanese Soldier's Ghost
Little Angel's Message - Blood-Curdling Whisper
Remote Viewing Experiment - Past Life as Sophie?
Phone Call that Never Was - Eerie Phone Call
Blood from the Sky - Two British Ghosts
Ghost Hound - Beautiful UFO Sighting
Contact from Beyond
APRIL 2002
Story of the Month:Shadows? People Demons?
The Voice Outside the Window - My Sister and the Rose
Freaky House - My Mother's Angel
The Séance - Angels in the Ball Field
Robert the Demon Doll - Presence in the Back Seat
Thunderbird Sighting - The Inner Command
Abduction Experience - Saved By Dad's Voice
Angels At Night - Ice Circle Formation
Bubble of Protection - Poltergeist Prankster
Shadow Man of the Alcove - Hearing is Believing
Followed by Strange UFO - Shadow Dog
Menacing Shadow - Wrong Number, Right Time
Many Shadows - Evil Ghost
Ghost in the Kitchen - Invisible Visitor
Shadow People in New York - Cowboy Ghosts
Haunted Tales from Portugal - Hotbed of Ghostly Activity
Three Weird Tales - What a Coincidence
Startling Premonitions - Visions of Blood
Fortunate Precognition - In Love Possessed
Haunted Reflection - Face at the Window
MAY 2002
Story of the Month:Friendly Helpers
Grandma or Poltergeist? - Poked and Touched in the Night
Who Called My Name? - Disturbing Premonitions
The Possessed Truck - The Three Spirits
Almost Possessed? - The Thing with Ruby Eyes
Footsteps at Night - Time Slips
Scratching Poltergeist - Do I Have PK?
Unusual OBE - Three Weird Tales
My Child's Dark Past Life - Personal Vision
Dad Checks Her Out - The Traffic Angel
Starr's Cave Angel - Message from Nanny
JUNE 2002
Story of the Month:Strange Leaping Creature
Active Poltergeist - Upstairs Ghost
My Spirit World - Unfinished Business
Shadow People Speak - Three Weird Experiences
My Shadow Brother - My Mother, the Angel
The Glowing Green - Chupacabras Visit
Call from the ER - Grandma Retrieves Her Lipstick
Skinwalkers - New Years Eve Ghost
Fever Visions - Roadside Ghost
Near-Death Vision Verified - Spared from Crushing Accident
Shared Haunting and Dream - Dream into Reality
E-Mail from Beyond - Ghost Dog
Queen Mary Ghost - Mom's Psychic Warning
The Black Cloud - The Soldier
Lake LBJ Monster - Father Communicates
July - December 2002 stories
Past years of Your True Tales
Have a paranormal story of your own you'd like to share with other readers?
Here's how to submit your story.