Are Social Sites Bad for Business?
Over the last few years, social sites have been the rage and people jumped on to see what these were all about.
Some people joined because they were curious and many have decided not to continue.
Others saw the long term value.
We have probably all heard these comments: 1) "It's a waste of time to be on social sites.
" 2) "One cannot be successful if they have time to spend on social sites.
" 3) "It's for lonely people who want to find friends.
" 4) "It's not worth my time.
" 5) "You should be out there marketing!" These statements could not be any further from the truth, as I see it.
Why? 1) They give you exposure to the media and attracts approximately 14 million users a month.
2) You make contacts and getting to know people to collaborate with.
3) Free Exposure To the Media.
(Many newscasters will follow and watch your views.
) 4) On Twitter, you have a "tool" to help you make connections with users you never would have met! 5) As a door for strengthening bonds you already have and gives you the opportunity to make new bonds.
6) Many businesses create accounts to determine whether to hire a person, be it to speak, if you are an entrepreneur or want to work for a corporation.
7) This are places people communicate through their message system to respond to a request, whereby you may not receive an email.
8) Sites serve as a research tool and increases your "influence factor.
" With thought leaders.
9) Users learn so much from tweets and posts.
There are wonderful articles, resources and stories you can relate to.
10) One can find "their niche," and have more resources to capitalize on your particular business.
11) They help you to get information without reading a newspaper or magazine, or even listen to the news.
You will always be "in the know.
" 12) One can save a child by knowing to be on the look-out for the family in need.
13) Law Enforcement tracks criminals by watching what's going on..
14) News Organizations are tweeting and posting..
They know what you are about and what you do.
15) They help you to build up your 30 second commercials (up to 140 characters!) 16) You help many people with your knowledge and share your particular expertise.
17) Build your SEO up as more and more people will go to your website.
18) They dramatically, increase your exposure.
19) They SAVE YOU MONEY as there are many discounts offered to "friends.
" 20) Most of all it's therapy! When you are feeling down, there are always people to vent to and you will form relationships with people you never could before.
Choosing to stay off-is a "lost opportunity.
" People who do not see value miss out on advertiising who you are and what you do simply do not think in a proactive manner.
Social sites are replacing newspapers (they are getting smaller,) Email blasts (Why send to your client list when it's free to put posts on social sites,) and business is about forming relationships and thanks to these sites, we can do that, internationally.
"Marketing is no longer about stuff that you make or sell.
It's about the stories and experiences you've had and want to share.
" ~ Dr.
Joyce What could be better to get known? Do Social Sites Work? Answer that question for yourself!
Some people joined because they were curious and many have decided not to continue.
Others saw the long term value.
We have probably all heard these comments: 1) "It's a waste of time to be on social sites.
" 2) "One cannot be successful if they have time to spend on social sites.
" 3) "It's for lonely people who want to find friends.
" 4) "It's not worth my time.
" 5) "You should be out there marketing!" These statements could not be any further from the truth, as I see it.
Why? 1) They give you exposure to the media and attracts approximately 14 million users a month.
2) You make contacts and getting to know people to collaborate with.
3) Free Exposure To the Media.
(Many newscasters will follow and watch your views.
) 4) On Twitter, you have a "tool" to help you make connections with users you never would have met! 5) As a door for strengthening bonds you already have and gives you the opportunity to make new bonds.
6) Many businesses create accounts to determine whether to hire a person, be it to speak, if you are an entrepreneur or want to work for a corporation.
7) This are places people communicate through their message system to respond to a request, whereby you may not receive an email.
8) Sites serve as a research tool and increases your "influence factor.
" With thought leaders.
9) Users learn so much from tweets and posts.
There are wonderful articles, resources and stories you can relate to.
10) One can find "their niche," and have more resources to capitalize on your particular business.
11) They help you to get information without reading a newspaper or magazine, or even listen to the news.
You will always be "in the know.
" 12) One can save a child by knowing to be on the look-out for the family in need.
13) Law Enforcement tracks criminals by watching what's going on..
14) News Organizations are tweeting and posting..
They know what you are about and what you do.
15) They help you to build up your 30 second commercials (up to 140 characters!) 16) You help many people with your knowledge and share your particular expertise.
17) Build your SEO up as more and more people will go to your website.
18) They dramatically, increase your exposure.
19) They SAVE YOU MONEY as there are many discounts offered to "friends.
" 20) Most of all it's therapy! When you are feeling down, there are always people to vent to and you will form relationships with people you never could before.
Choosing to stay off-is a "lost opportunity.
" People who do not see value miss out on advertiising who you are and what you do simply do not think in a proactive manner.
Social sites are replacing newspapers (they are getting smaller,) Email blasts (Why send to your client list when it's free to put posts on social sites,) and business is about forming relationships and thanks to these sites, we can do that, internationally.
"Marketing is no longer about stuff that you make or sell.
It's about the stories and experiences you've had and want to share.
" ~ Dr.
Joyce What could be better to get known? Do Social Sites Work? Answer that question for yourself!