Which Bank Is Best For Loan Against Property?
Lower Interest Rates
As part of the loan against property process, you will be required repay the loan along with an added interest rate. The ideal bank or financial institute will provide you with a low interest rate. You can compare the different institutes and see which one will give you the best offer for the loans against property. Additionally, you can also look out for the financial institute that will provide you with the financial aid with a floating interest rate. This makes it beneficial to you because you can adjust your EMI in such a manner wherein you can repay your loan early. Additionally, you can also repay the loan when the market conditions are favourable to you, making it more convenient and less stressful for you when paying off the loan. However, you must enquire about the interest rates before you finalize this loan from any lending institution.
Prepayment Options
One major benefit of the loan against property is that you can prepay your loan. Different institutes will have different prepayment options. One of the most common ones includes prepayment charges at the rate of 2% of the principal amount. You can research for the bank that offers you a good rate with such an option. You can also negotiate with the bank before you apply for these loans against property. However, you must be aware of such options as the foreclosure charges are very tricky. Ensure that the banks give you full transparent details before you apply for this option.
Loan Tenure Options
As part of the loan process, you will have to repay the loan in a prescribed period. When it comes to the loan against property, there are many benefits. The normal loan tenure is anywhere between 10 to 15 years. You can opt for a bank that will offer you this repayment tenure between this period, or even longer. Negotiate with the bank for the ideal repayment tenure that will suit your financial needs. This is extremely beneficial especially during the time when the market conditions are not in your favour. Additionally, if you opt for a floating interest rate, you can easily reduce the loan tenure period to a time which is most suited to you.