Co-Parenting After Divorce - Learning How to Parent With Your Ex-Spouse After Your Divorce
Some of you may thinking, "What the heck is co-parenting?" It's a term created to describe divorced parents continuing to parent their children together.
This is a lot easier said then done.
Divorced parents are rarely the best of friends.
Downright dislike isn't too off the mark for a lot of couples.
Part of the conflict you experienced in your marriage could have included differing parenting styles.
Well, just because you're divorced doesn't mean you don't have that conflict anymore! If anything, it can intensify because there's a lot more you're angry about now.
While both of you have separate homes, remember your children have to travel between these.
They have to understand what is expected from them in both situations.
Irregardless of the negative feelings you may have toward your ex, it's important that the two of you find SOME way to work together when it comes to raising your beautiful children.
The following are things to consider in creating an effective co-parenting plan: 1) Accountability in each home is essential 2) It's not important that your rules be identical in each household, but common themes make it easier on your children.
3) Agree not to bad mouth the other parent's parenting choices in front of the children The goal is for the two of you to work together.
This can be challenging when you're both hurt and angry at one another.
Be sure to never use your children and parenting them as a way to "get even" with your ex.
It's only your children who get hurt.