Get Your Ex Back - Stress Alert - Learn How to Unwind to Get Your Ex Back
First of all try not to focus on all of the pain you are going through right now.
Take those sensations and feelings and let them fall away and melt off of you right into the floor right this very minute.
And do something you find totally relaxing and learn how to relax instantly.
For instance, you feel the tension building up inside and the feelings are so elevated you think you might launch off the floor.
Next, all you do is close your eyes and let all of your agitation and worry melt down to nowhere and keep the negative feelings from coming back.
So the next time you are in contact with your ex and agitation starts up again, just let the emotions fall away.
Learn to relax all of your muscles especially all the facial muscles.
People hold a lot of stress in that area of the body and before you know it your ex will notice a change and might even pick up on our little relaxing technique.
He might even ask you how you are staying so calm or you could tell him you learned a new way to relax.
At least this idea will start on a nice conversation with your ex.