Turning Dreams Into Reality in Your Home Business
Once you learn to "dream big", I don't think that you can ever go back.
Now that I have raised the standard of excellence, my desire is to be able to transfer that skill and empower others, mentoring them to success in Direct Sales.
I understand now that victory is won in the head and the heart first, before any of the work is done.
After sharing the stumbling blocks of my journey, I hope I leave you with belief that anything is possible! Is it possible for you? You bet it is! You will see that everything that I have done you can do too! The year after my husband Alex retired from the army, we set a goal for me to be National Queen of Personal Sales.
I realized that just "surviving" does not glorify God.
My belief in my business was strong enough to know that if I was disciplined enough to do the work, that the results would follow.
Taking massive action, I chose not rely on my "feelings" but on the goal and the plan to achieve it.
Although I was afraid, I wanted so much for Him to use my life for the purpose it was intended.
When you allow Him, God opens doors.
It's incredible! It's hard now to believe but just five short years before that, I attended Mary Kay Seminar in a wheelchair.
That was an all time low in my Mary Kay career because of a severe car accident.
Those were incredibly difficult times, but I never gave up hope.
The times when you stumble are always times of growth.
It was for me.
I have learned so many lessons, but I will summarize with the most important ones.
Make a decision with an action plan 2.
Discipline yourself to follow that plan 3.
Focus on just a few things- Keep it simple! 4.
"Hitch your wagon to a star" as Mary Kay Ash would always say.
That is, find someone who has already done what you aspire to do and learn from them, Your goal may not be to be Queen of anything next year, but you must have a goal.
The lessons that I have learned can be applied no matter where you are in your business.
The path that I have chosen last year was DEFINITELY not the easiest one, or the one most traveled, but it was my path.
It was meant all along to be a stepping stone to bigger and better goals.
If you haven't experienced the thrill of setting and achieving a huge goal, you have no idea what you are missing! Find your passion and dream big.
Make a decision on where you want to go this year.
Map out a plan of action, and then don't let your emotions get in the way of your decision.
I pray that something that I have shared will make a difference in your business.
But remember, these ideas only work when you do! My desire is that you will experience the thrill of you own personal victories.
Now that I have raised the standard of excellence, my desire is to be able to transfer that skill and empower others, mentoring them to success in Direct Sales.
I understand now that victory is won in the head and the heart first, before any of the work is done.
After sharing the stumbling blocks of my journey, I hope I leave you with belief that anything is possible! Is it possible for you? You bet it is! You will see that everything that I have done you can do too! The year after my husband Alex retired from the army, we set a goal for me to be National Queen of Personal Sales.
I realized that just "surviving" does not glorify God.
My belief in my business was strong enough to know that if I was disciplined enough to do the work, that the results would follow.
Taking massive action, I chose not rely on my "feelings" but on the goal and the plan to achieve it.
Although I was afraid, I wanted so much for Him to use my life for the purpose it was intended.
When you allow Him, God opens doors.
It's incredible! It's hard now to believe but just five short years before that, I attended Mary Kay Seminar in a wheelchair.
That was an all time low in my Mary Kay career because of a severe car accident.
Those were incredibly difficult times, but I never gave up hope.
The times when you stumble are always times of growth.
It was for me.
I have learned so many lessons, but I will summarize with the most important ones.
Make a decision with an action plan 2.
Discipline yourself to follow that plan 3.
Focus on just a few things- Keep it simple! 4.
"Hitch your wagon to a star" as Mary Kay Ash would always say.
That is, find someone who has already done what you aspire to do and learn from them, Your goal may not be to be Queen of anything next year, but you must have a goal.
The lessons that I have learned can be applied no matter where you are in your business.
The path that I have chosen last year was DEFINITELY not the easiest one, or the one most traveled, but it was my path.
It was meant all along to be a stepping stone to bigger and better goals.
If you haven't experienced the thrill of setting and achieving a huge goal, you have no idea what you are missing! Find your passion and dream big.
Make a decision on where you want to go this year.
Map out a plan of action, and then don't let your emotions get in the way of your decision.
I pray that something that I have shared will make a difference in your business.
But remember, these ideas only work when you do! My desire is that you will experience the thrill of you own personal victories.