How to Create a Reading List for Kids
- 1). Celebrate the process by making the reading list itself an exciting, interactive activity.
- 2). Get a bulletin board, chalkboard, journal, notebook or computer and together collect book titles for the list.
- 3). Assign the kids to gather the first 10 titles, if they can manage. Younger children might pull picture books from the junior room; put them on the list and go from there.
- 4). Collect names from television shows, storytellers, favorite authors, Web sites, magazine and newspaper book reviews, friends and school reading lists.
- 5). Start a kids' book club, either virtual or in your neighborhood. Put up signs in school, libraries or activity groups.
- 6). Have book parties and swap book titles, dress up as favorite characters, and eat meals mentioned in books - such as green eggs and ham.
- 7). Clip notices of entertaining new books. Help the kids put their names on waiting lists for popular library books, and the books' titles on the reading list.
- 8). Make it a weekly activity to post new titles and check off titles that have been read. Keep your own list of books read, too.
- 9). Go to the library, book sales and garage sales for bargains.
- 10
Read aloud to each other. - 11
Have kids read aloud to younger kids. - 12