How To Tell Your Ex Boyfriend You Miss Him - Expert Tips On What To Say To Make Him Want You Again

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After a breakup. you will miss your ex boyfriend and wonder if he misses you to. That might make you want to call him and tell him you miss him. But, what do you say? Here are expert tips on what to say to make him want you again.

The emotional conditions after a breakup can make it very hard to just call your ex and say you miss him. You don't know what his reaction will be and you do not want to be rejected again. When you broke up, things were pretty messy with a lot of heated words thrown around. That puts things on a different level all together. It used to be easy to just call him and talk about anything, but now he is no longer your boyfriend and that makes it awkward.

Although he is no longer your boyfriend, there is and always will be a connection between you. Love does not die because of a breakup. Even if you do not get back together, if you meet him years from now there will still be a bond between you. Your ex boyfriend might be less apt to show his feelings, but he has them. In fact, he might be wanting to call you right now and say he misses you.

Someone will have to make the first move and that will probably be you. The best way to approach him is in a friendly manner. Just call him and say you were thinking about him and hope he is doing fine. Be sure you do not start crying at the sound of his voice. You need to be strong and mature. In fact you should make him laugh. Tell him about something funny that happened to you and then let him take over the conversation.

You might find him eager to talk to you and tell you what has been happening in his life. Keep everything light and do not mention the breakup. If you give him the chance, he might be the one to say he misses you. That will make it easy to tell him you miss him too. Don't rush things or get romantic. This can be the start of getting your ex back, but he might still be wary of being tricked.

So take it slow and make sure he does not feel any pressure. It will take a little time before he is ready for a relationship again. But, you have started things to move in the right direction and that will make him want you again.
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