Detoxifying Secrets To Stop Your Source Of Toxins
In my earlier articles I talked about how our sick house caused my husband's death from cancer and my former neurological problems. The question for this Article #14 is: Why is Cleansing and Detoxifying so Important for our Body?
It could also be: Why are my Healthy Supplements, Organic Food and Clean Water now Making Me Sick? I will teach you secrets about cleansing and detoxifying the body, so you don't need to learn them the hard way like I did.
Nothing is pure anymore. Not even organic, but I still buy organic when I can. Just this spring, for the first time in five years, the level of toxicity from radiation and a viral energy increased dramatically in our homes in the US. It was so much stronger that I was feeling weak after eating foods that I eat on a regular basis.
Now all areas of our life are being adversely affected even more than usual and is making us sicker - quicker. In the past, geopathic stress had been my primary focus. It is usually slow to make us sick to the point of not feeling it until we are really sick and do not have a clue what is causing it. It is even slower to kill us!
We are now surrounded by more toxins than ever before: in our food, our electricity, our home, our water, our air, everywhere. Even all of our remedies, essences and nutritional supplements now pick up this higher level of toxicity.
How can our food, water, supplements and essences sustain and heal us if they are contaminated with radiation and other toxins? The more we eat, drink and take, the more radiation we consume. It's as simple as that. No one else is "seeing" this and no one else has the secret to fix it!
Food, water, remedies, essences and supplements that have not been neutralized by using an Energem will not be processed and utilized by our body as they used to be and should be. They should now test weak in the clear, not "Effective,"and not "Well Tolerated." Your body is telling you it does not want it with the toxicity that is in it. It needs to be in a purer form to be utilized properly.
Our body is designed to handle toxins and it initially does its best to eliminate them. At some point though, we may no longer be able to eliminate all of the toxins we are exposed to and we start to store them. This is when it really places a strain on our organs and immune system. This is also when symptoms and pain, the first signs, begin to show. If we do not make changes at this point, then the toxins can weaken our immune system to allow or trigger the beginning of dis-ease.
The first step and key to change this, is to find the source of the toxins and then remove them. Again, the most important place to start is in your home with the geopathic and electromagnetic stresses. This can easily be done by using one Energem in your home. The next step is to keep your Energy Pathway strong. This keeps the energy of many toxins, diseases and emotions that are not even yours from entering your body and was explained in Article #11.
Once the geopathic stress in your home has been fixed with one Energem, the related toxins will automatically start to be eliminated from your body. Whenever the source of a toxin is eliminated, our body knows this and immediately, sometimes within seconds, begins to release those stored toxins.
To assist this process I use two different methods. One is the use of homeopathic and essence remedies, especially what are called drainage remedies. These help increase the flow of toxins from key areas of elimination in the body, such as the lymphatics, kidneys and liver. These are a great start to any cleansing program and make it easier on the body to handle it. There are also remedies that neutralize specific toxins and help their elimination from the body, such as remedies for toxic metals, for radiation, for insecticides - for any of the core and scavenger toxins. In my book entitled: Our Energetic Evolution in Healing: The Secrets to Surviving the Unseen Forces That are Killing You, I give a source for homeopathic remedies that I have used for over 15 years and when needed usually test "Effective" and "Well Tolerated."
My book teaches you how to find the toxins so you can eliminate their source, how to test to see which remedies are best for you, and also another very powerful method that helps the body neutralize and release these stored toxins.
This second method is what I call Life Force Aphorisms. They work very well with the remedies also. These are "sayings" that teach the mind what the body already knows to do naturally, to cleanse and heal itself, if we just get out of the way! My "Primary Life Force Aphorism" that is in my book instructs the body to automatically and naturally neutralize and cleanse toxins from as deep as our DNA level. The body itself knows the best order of releasing these toxins. It inherently knows how to heal itself, given the proper guidance and tools. I say it once a day and it then works automatically. The more I cleanse and detoxify, the better I feel and the fewer other therapies and supplements I need.
One example of another Life Force Aphorism teaches you that toxins that you are exposed to on a short-term basis can move through you and don't need to get trapped in your body or make you sick.
I say it when there is a specific toxin or item that I am currently exposed to, such as perfume or smelly cleaning supplies in a store aisle I am walking through. With my testing, I have seen chlorine from showers immediately be eliminated from my body. I have also used it in very smelly printing offices. A client successfully used it short-term while driving his car that had an exhaust system problem, until he could get it fixed.
These Life Force Aphorisms were my first major step in evolving my body, that is, teaching my mind that this is possible and a natural process.
Once we understand our capabilities, this energetic process will become more natural and a part of our evolution, not just a "technique."
In my next article you will learn how you can use Enerdiscs to make your own cleansing, energizing and healing essences yourself and forever.
Karen Y. Mileson
[email protected]
It could also be: Why are my Healthy Supplements, Organic Food and Clean Water now Making Me Sick? I will teach you secrets about cleansing and detoxifying the body, so you don't need to learn them the hard way like I did.
Nothing is pure anymore. Not even organic, but I still buy organic when I can. Just this spring, for the first time in five years, the level of toxicity from radiation and a viral energy increased dramatically in our homes in the US. It was so much stronger that I was feeling weak after eating foods that I eat on a regular basis.
Now all areas of our life are being adversely affected even more than usual and is making us sicker - quicker. In the past, geopathic stress had been my primary focus. It is usually slow to make us sick to the point of not feeling it until we are really sick and do not have a clue what is causing it. It is even slower to kill us!
We are now surrounded by more toxins than ever before: in our food, our electricity, our home, our water, our air, everywhere. Even all of our remedies, essences and nutritional supplements now pick up this higher level of toxicity.
How can our food, water, supplements and essences sustain and heal us if they are contaminated with radiation and other toxins? The more we eat, drink and take, the more radiation we consume. It's as simple as that. No one else is "seeing" this and no one else has the secret to fix it!
Food, water, remedies, essences and supplements that have not been neutralized by using an Energem will not be processed and utilized by our body as they used to be and should be. They should now test weak in the clear, not "Effective,"and not "Well Tolerated." Your body is telling you it does not want it with the toxicity that is in it. It needs to be in a purer form to be utilized properly.
Our body is designed to handle toxins and it initially does its best to eliminate them. At some point though, we may no longer be able to eliminate all of the toxins we are exposed to and we start to store them. This is when it really places a strain on our organs and immune system. This is also when symptoms and pain, the first signs, begin to show. If we do not make changes at this point, then the toxins can weaken our immune system to allow or trigger the beginning of dis-ease.
The first step and key to change this, is to find the source of the toxins and then remove them. Again, the most important place to start is in your home with the geopathic and electromagnetic stresses. This can easily be done by using one Energem in your home. The next step is to keep your Energy Pathway strong. This keeps the energy of many toxins, diseases and emotions that are not even yours from entering your body and was explained in Article #11.
Once the geopathic stress in your home has been fixed with one Energem, the related toxins will automatically start to be eliminated from your body. Whenever the source of a toxin is eliminated, our body knows this and immediately, sometimes within seconds, begins to release those stored toxins.
To assist this process I use two different methods. One is the use of homeopathic and essence remedies, especially what are called drainage remedies. These help increase the flow of toxins from key areas of elimination in the body, such as the lymphatics, kidneys and liver. These are a great start to any cleansing program and make it easier on the body to handle it. There are also remedies that neutralize specific toxins and help their elimination from the body, such as remedies for toxic metals, for radiation, for insecticides - for any of the core and scavenger toxins. In my book entitled: Our Energetic Evolution in Healing: The Secrets to Surviving the Unseen Forces That are Killing You, I give a source for homeopathic remedies that I have used for over 15 years and when needed usually test "Effective" and "Well Tolerated."
My book teaches you how to find the toxins so you can eliminate their source, how to test to see which remedies are best for you, and also another very powerful method that helps the body neutralize and release these stored toxins.
This second method is what I call Life Force Aphorisms. They work very well with the remedies also. These are "sayings" that teach the mind what the body already knows to do naturally, to cleanse and heal itself, if we just get out of the way! My "Primary Life Force Aphorism" that is in my book instructs the body to automatically and naturally neutralize and cleanse toxins from as deep as our DNA level. The body itself knows the best order of releasing these toxins. It inherently knows how to heal itself, given the proper guidance and tools. I say it once a day and it then works automatically. The more I cleanse and detoxify, the better I feel and the fewer other therapies and supplements I need.
One example of another Life Force Aphorism teaches you that toxins that you are exposed to on a short-term basis can move through you and don't need to get trapped in your body or make you sick.
I say it when there is a specific toxin or item that I am currently exposed to, such as perfume or smelly cleaning supplies in a store aisle I am walking through. With my testing, I have seen chlorine from showers immediately be eliminated from my body. I have also used it in very smelly printing offices. A client successfully used it short-term while driving his car that had an exhaust system problem, until he could get it fixed.
These Life Force Aphorisms were my first major step in evolving my body, that is, teaching my mind that this is possible and a natural process.
Once we understand our capabilities, this energetic process will become more natural and a part of our evolution, not just a "technique."
In my next article you will learn how you can use Enerdiscs to make your own cleansing, energizing and healing essences yourself and forever.
Karen Y. Mileson
[email protected]