Goons and guns:Maoist insurgency tragically brackated with Gandhism
Goons and guns: the Maoist insurgency, tragically bracketed with Gandhism
Gandhi had his purpose. He however believed not in revenge. His appeal to innate goodness that prevails among the humanity- was firm, steady and unwavering. That he himself fell victim to Godse's gun- does not take away the efficacy of that appeal to the inner sanity. The manifold success, in bringing non-violence as a weapon to the fore, has been the main contribution from Mahatma and is revered throughout the continents. Mao may have contributed towards reduction of inequality and poverty among masses that prevailed in China by using his guns but what and whom he left behind- today generally prefer to forget what he did - as a bad dream, even if his successors in power continue to rely on violence. Mahatma and Mao are two fiercely opposite and non-reconcilable philosophies.
Tribal deprival that occurred while civilization evolved, for the purposes and in the name of expansion of agriculture earlier and development of industry now – has been a phenomenon not unique to our country. What is uncommon is that it is being made out to be as a logic and rationale for Maoist insurgencies in the several states across our vast countryside. While none can deny the point of requisite measures that are required and expected to be taken up by the society in general and the nation / governments in particular, for the welfare of a class of its citizens that the tribal people have been and are.
With the influx of time, spread of what we call civilization, and in particular with spread of education and mass-communication- the tribal of today, of course may not be as tribal or tribal-looking, as they are being made out to be. But that is beside the point. The fight initiated, prompted, organized and controlled by the Maoists against Indian democracy, to be mistaken as the fight of tribal people against the oppression by urbanized world- is neither a practical nor a logical comparison / conclusion. Arriving on a conclusion like this- that of war between two different civilizations- is incorrect and therefore it may scent almost like a conspiracy.
The tribal life in India did face and has been facing considerable difficulties is not denied. Question on efficacy, efficiency and even of sincerity of the administrative and Governmental machinery to ease the situation are welcome- when asked as constructive criticism. The political parties have not able to come up face to face with the exigencies of situation and to pursue and provide prompt policies and measures are also true and that is a poser on democratic set-up that we feel proud to have acquired.
The conversions to Christianity on mass scale did provide an inbuilt social answer to a certain extent by way of improving access to modern education as also to health services in certain pockets somewhere. Such conversions can of course be criticized if and to the extent it was on based on deception of simple people. However that was at least peaceful and those who are opposed to such conversion may be excused if they did not use violent methods to oppose those of the religious conversions- that have been really unholy. In any event, efforts to improve their lot- by peaceful methods- are mandatory on the part of administration and welcome on the part of others- that may include political parties and/or human rights activists. But attempt to juxtapose Mao with Mahatma is definitely objectionable and may be pointer to conspiracy.
The tribal have however become unwitting victims of the ongoing conflict because, once an individual tribal in the interior of the country opts for or is forced by the circumstances to ride the Maoist horse, he cannot step down from that beast, of his own free will. It is akin almost to joining a gang of dacoits. Rather more complex a situation as entry to ride is simple and inviting while exit is dangerous and accompanies a death by bullet penalty.
Maoist movement, as it has been spreading across the vast interiors of the states across our country, does not have spontaneous leaders that spring upon automatically among the mass movements as what happens when a leader gets born to provide a voice to the meeker of the of fellow citizens or as in case of an individual dacoit raising a gang of dacoits- to redress personal grouses that may on occasions be just. Maoist gang leaders /local chieftains are in most cases picked up by a more organized and a greatly sinister scheme that has access to larger reaches and deeper riches. Quite a few of the picks are often from the goon variety- and selected by agencies, in a professional, even if sinister and unholy set-up> Moreover they definitely having an ultimate reporting to a command located externally to the country.
The most appalling thing, however, is the apparent moral support of so-called Indian intelligentsia and self styled human-rights-activists, to the Maoist insurgency, contributing not insignificantly, to an unmindful but resultant governmental latitude, apparent permissiveness and tolerance to the use of violent means and the rebellion. This remains so even in the face of recurring \ mass annihilations of Police personnel, CRPF, innocent villagers and country travelers including unsuspecting bus and rail passengers who loose their life. And this action- is on the face of recognition by none other than the Prime Minister of the country who has been acknowledging that Maoist terror is more violent and dreaded as compared to the terror emanating from another neighboring country. Lot of loss of life has been happening even while innocent people are asleep. During last few years such deaths /murders have been consistently on increase and the same has now been reaching the level that to say the least, is alarming. This could and should have been prevented- in fact to prevent loss of lives in any case is the job of any administration.
"Political power grows out of a barrel of a gun" so spake Mao Tse Tung (as he was used to be called almost until he was alive) and also wrote in 1938 in his, by now a famous ‘theological' book titled as Problems of War and Strategy. Mao Zedong's (the new pronunciation of his name) teachings on guerrilla warfare against organized forces, famous around the world are summarized as: "retreat when the enemy advances; harass the enemy when he camps; attack the enemy as he retires for rest; and pursue when the enemy retreats. The ultimate part of teaching, thought not documented as such – but in fact practiced was and has been: loot & kill him whenever it is opportune." Police officers, those looted and slaughtered, in our country from time to time by the Maoist insurgents, were when they were tricked and trapped.
The governments have not been able to prevent the massacres. Their forces, whether CRPF or local state police, generally have not been able to respond, to the massacre of innocent villagers /bus passengers etc. from time to time for any and many reason(s) were themselves in subsequent actions isolated and trapped in the terrains and jungles. The reason has been that these forces never had nor were ever provided with an opportunity to acquire the skills needed to understand the strategies for such guerilla fights. Such skills can be imparted only with substantial inputs as to the insights into the motives of
That the skillful fights that were propounded by Mao and concentrates more on cunning moves and stealth rather than on gallantry and muscle power is not an easy lesson for Indians to learn. Unless you know you know your opponent, his intents, motives and methodology well, how can you understand and implement the ways and means for countering his moves.
The police officers across the country, para military and other forces who have time to time failed to defend innocent lives including of course of their own in the States of West Bengal Chhatishgarh and Bihar, had been grossly ill equipped and were in receipt of almost no training in guerrilla warfare. These States have the facilities to impart exercises in routine parade-ground drills and outdated firing-range training to their armed forces. India's Maoist insurgents are not as fearsome adversaries the media sometimes make them out to be. Like the police, they themselves are also trained inadequately and equipped mostly with arms that they are able to steal, loot or wrest from the forces only. The insurgents have the advantages of (a) their ability to disappear into local population after conducting any hit operation (b) fear psychosis among locals about their brutality (c) adequate knowledge about terrains and locale aspects and (d) doctored subordination to a command with its ultimate chain located in a country having a philosophical reliance not in Mahatma but in Mao.
The tragedies of mass and brute murders of police and CRPF on numerous occasions and at various sites make it clear that mere deployment of police Para military forces in the affected areas without (a) their proper acclimatization to locales (b) relevant training in gorilla warfare and (c) appropriate and adequate equipment and arms and arsenal- will not bring the fight to any conclusive victory.
States will have to show the vision and resolve to create infrastructure of the kind Andhra Pradesh has built. The task may take several years of work but resolve and a good beginning may adversely affect the morale of insurgent leaders resulting into a quicker than expected success . As has been pointed out on several occasions, India just does not have the numbers of police personnel needed to ensure law and order in normal circumstances, let alone protracted.
The UN estimation /ascertainment of prudent number of police officers for every 100,000 population are 222. India has an average of just 127- almost half of what is required. States with presence of Maoist insurgencies just have a presence of less than half of the national average. Police station — the basic unit that is supposed to respond to any security request / demand — is normally decrepit, in many instances ill-housed and often lack modern systems of communication.
The forces that are available, have almost no meaningful training in counter-insurgency tactics leave aside the non existence of motivation and existence of an ego-centrism developed through classical deep rooted imperial influence in the geographical fringes where modernity creeps into only slowly. Andhra Pradesh, the worst suffers due to an early dawn of Mao influence there, is the only state that has created some counter-insurgency force worth its name. It has been lately yet fairly successful in containing curbing and curtailing the influence. Other states need to emulate such a move, modify and appropriate the same in terms of their own locales, terrains and needs , to create, train and allocate it in terms of requirements. This way only they might achieve success in combats.
The GOI sends in Central Reserve Police Force units as and when need arises and as may be called upon by the states from time to time. However their record of successful counter-Maoist operations has been so far been not worth mentioning. The central and State governments need to work together to draw up a map for building modern police infrastructure or India's citizens will continue to incur a terribly high cost. While insufficient number of police personnel and non availability of facilities to train them are the obvious reasons, absence of a strong political determination is another aspect to contend with. One can observe a gross paucity of political will among almost all political parties to fight against the Maoists. The reason has been that many of the politicians of different and changing hues rely upon the blessings of and depend to draw upon the support from Maoists in times of their personal needs. They have used it and are using it menacingly to enhance their own economic expansion and political stature.
No wonder that the administration and beaurocracy are discouraged to take decisive steps. In the scheme of things it may not be a surprise if the politicians are found using / hiring the intelligentsia to elongate the matter of providing a camouflage and a cover so as to ensure a the covert fight disguised under and as a popular response, as long as it is feasible.
Gandhians with guns has been a strange sounding remark- and may have been a conscious and calculated step for a brand-building effort- to provide an immoral support to the violence. It sounded stranger when it was made to christen the Maoists insurgency that rides on creating fear psychosis, deception, murder and loot (by self styled human-right-activists from our own country). However, none eventually, can guarantee that these guns will not turn out to become, Guns with a flavor for the political power flowing out of their barrels. This may help the neighbor nation from the North to become yet more powerful in vast hinterland of our country – enough to overpower us as a nation conclusively. If it so happens it may be turn out to be a true fear.
To quote Mao once again "Politics is war without bloodshed and war is politics with bloodshed". And if the quote from the great strategist is to be relied upon- of the two phases described in his quote- first has already been won by the Maoists in a large number of states in India, making the strategist smile from his grave and trailers of second phases are now being shown to us.
We might loose another war without even realizing the necessity to fight it out. Even if- as of date, the hare is slowing down while the tortoise is apparently steady on economic front- who wins the race there is a question. The race however might be affected very adversely if the disciples of Mao have already been able to infest deeper enough, and expand their influence to the cities as well– and that of course is comparatively easier, it might of course influence the future decisively against the Nation, And for spreading the influence in the cities- what is more effective than so-called intelligentsia- particularly that part of it which does not agree with concept of India – the concept of plural, democratic, tolerant and welfare-for-all polity that has an overwhelming and timeless existence and does not indulge in small-time politics.
Unholy alliance among the two menacing neighbors is another matter of relevant criticality- as can be ascertained from what has been reported happening on our borders and close upon the borders.
Of course we must make sincere, serious and continuing efforts to bring the tribal populace into mainstream through speedier impart of education, particularly the kind of education that is helpful in enhancement of their employability, initiation and implementation of a well thought out land /resource reforms, priority employment in local industrial and service set-up and further to extend to them all the opportunities to reap the fruits of development-as equitably as may be practicable. The inclusion is a good word – but it needs a speedier implementation as well.
Unless it is a sincere misconception on the part of armchair human-right-activists in the country- and that case it would be quite a serious situation, it sounds like a conspiracy involving a section of so-called human right activists / intelligentsia with a shallow understanding of recent human history, geography and economics- the Nation can ill afford to forget that it is now for 38 years that china has been holding on to a large chunk of Indian territory that one of our most beloved and charming leaders, made us to perceive as a chunk of land where not even a blade of grass grows. Also relevant are aspects of continuing Chinese military build up on our borders, frequent transgressions of line of control, untenable territorial claims on locations like Arunachal, diplomatic misfeasance and evident unholy ganging up in the Pak Occupied Kashmir all culminating significantly against our interests as a Nation. And so also our democratic tolerance to ganging up by Geelanies, Arundhatis with Maoists on what they claim as "demand for justice" on an ideological platform.
Gandhi had his purpose. He however believed not in revenge. His appeal to innate goodness that prevails among the humanity- was firm, steady and unwavering. That he himself fell victim to Godse's gun- does not take away the efficacy of that appeal to the inner sanity. The manifold success, in bringing non-violence as a weapon to the fore, has been the main contribution from Mahatma and is revered throughout the continents. Mao may have contributed towards reduction of inequality and poverty among masses that prevailed in China by using his guns but what and whom he left behind- today generally prefer to forget what he did - as a bad dream, even if his successors in power continue to rely on violence. Mahatma and Mao are two fiercely opposite and non-reconcilable philosophies.
Tribal deprival that occurred while civilization evolved, for the purposes and in the name of expansion of agriculture earlier and development of industry now – has been a phenomenon not unique to our country. What is uncommon is that it is being made out to be as a logic and rationale for Maoist insurgencies in the several states across our vast countryside. While none can deny the point of requisite measures that are required and expected to be taken up by the society in general and the nation / governments in particular, for the welfare of a class of its citizens that the tribal people have been and are.
With the influx of time, spread of what we call civilization, and in particular with spread of education and mass-communication- the tribal of today, of course may not be as tribal or tribal-looking, as they are being made out to be. But that is beside the point. The fight initiated, prompted, organized and controlled by the Maoists against Indian democracy, to be mistaken as the fight of tribal people against the oppression by urbanized world- is neither a practical nor a logical comparison / conclusion. Arriving on a conclusion like this- that of war between two different civilizations- is incorrect and therefore it may scent almost like a conspiracy.
The tribal life in India did face and has been facing considerable difficulties is not denied. Question on efficacy, efficiency and even of sincerity of the administrative and Governmental machinery to ease the situation are welcome- when asked as constructive criticism. The political parties have not able to come up face to face with the exigencies of situation and to pursue and provide prompt policies and measures are also true and that is a poser on democratic set-up that we feel proud to have acquired.
The conversions to Christianity on mass scale did provide an inbuilt social answer to a certain extent by way of improving access to modern education as also to health services in certain pockets somewhere. Such conversions can of course be criticized if and to the extent it was on based on deception of simple people. However that was at least peaceful and those who are opposed to such conversion may be excused if they did not use violent methods to oppose those of the religious conversions- that have been really unholy. In any event, efforts to improve their lot- by peaceful methods- are mandatory on the part of administration and welcome on the part of others- that may include political parties and/or human rights activists. But attempt to juxtapose Mao with Mahatma is definitely objectionable and may be pointer to conspiracy.
The tribal have however become unwitting victims of the ongoing conflict because, once an individual tribal in the interior of the country opts for or is forced by the circumstances to ride the Maoist horse, he cannot step down from that beast, of his own free will. It is akin almost to joining a gang of dacoits. Rather more complex a situation as entry to ride is simple and inviting while exit is dangerous and accompanies a death by bullet penalty.
Maoist movement, as it has been spreading across the vast interiors of the states across our country, does not have spontaneous leaders that spring upon automatically among the mass movements as what happens when a leader gets born to provide a voice to the meeker of the of fellow citizens or as in case of an individual dacoit raising a gang of dacoits- to redress personal grouses that may on occasions be just. Maoist gang leaders /local chieftains are in most cases picked up by a more organized and a greatly sinister scheme that has access to larger reaches and deeper riches. Quite a few of the picks are often from the goon variety- and selected by agencies, in a professional, even if sinister and unholy set-up> Moreover they definitely having an ultimate reporting to a command located externally to the country.
The most appalling thing, however, is the apparent moral support of so-called Indian intelligentsia and self styled human-rights-activists, to the Maoist insurgency, contributing not insignificantly, to an unmindful but resultant governmental latitude, apparent permissiveness and tolerance to the use of violent means and the rebellion. This remains so even in the face of recurring \ mass annihilations of Police personnel, CRPF, innocent villagers and country travelers including unsuspecting bus and rail passengers who loose their life. And this action- is on the face of recognition by none other than the Prime Minister of the country who has been acknowledging that Maoist terror is more violent and dreaded as compared to the terror emanating from another neighboring country. Lot of loss of life has been happening even while innocent people are asleep. During last few years such deaths /murders have been consistently on increase and the same has now been reaching the level that to say the least, is alarming. This could and should have been prevented- in fact to prevent loss of lives in any case is the job of any administration.
"Political power grows out of a barrel of a gun" so spake Mao Tse Tung (as he was used to be called almost until he was alive) and also wrote in 1938 in his, by now a famous ‘theological' book titled as Problems of War and Strategy. Mao Zedong's (the new pronunciation of his name) teachings on guerrilla warfare against organized forces, famous around the world are summarized as: "retreat when the enemy advances; harass the enemy when he camps; attack the enemy as he retires for rest; and pursue when the enemy retreats. The ultimate part of teaching, thought not documented as such – but in fact practiced was and has been: loot & kill him whenever it is opportune." Police officers, those looted and slaughtered, in our country from time to time by the Maoist insurgents, were when they were tricked and trapped.
The governments have not been able to prevent the massacres. Their forces, whether CRPF or local state police, generally have not been able to respond, to the massacre of innocent villagers /bus passengers etc. from time to time for any and many reason(s) were themselves in subsequent actions isolated and trapped in the terrains and jungles. The reason has been that these forces never had nor were ever provided with an opportunity to acquire the skills needed to understand the strategies for such guerilla fights. Such skills can be imparted only with substantial inputs as to the insights into the motives of
That the skillful fights that were propounded by Mao and concentrates more on cunning moves and stealth rather than on gallantry and muscle power is not an easy lesson for Indians to learn. Unless you know you know your opponent, his intents, motives and methodology well, how can you understand and implement the ways and means for countering his moves.
The police officers across the country, para military and other forces who have time to time failed to defend innocent lives including of course of their own in the States of West Bengal Chhatishgarh and Bihar, had been grossly ill equipped and were in receipt of almost no training in guerrilla warfare. These States have the facilities to impart exercises in routine parade-ground drills and outdated firing-range training to their armed forces. India's Maoist insurgents are not as fearsome adversaries the media sometimes make them out to be. Like the police, they themselves are also trained inadequately and equipped mostly with arms that they are able to steal, loot or wrest from the forces only. The insurgents have the advantages of (a) their ability to disappear into local population after conducting any hit operation (b) fear psychosis among locals about their brutality (c) adequate knowledge about terrains and locale aspects and (d) doctored subordination to a command with its ultimate chain located in a country having a philosophical reliance not in Mahatma but in Mao.
The tragedies of mass and brute murders of police and CRPF on numerous occasions and at various sites make it clear that mere deployment of police Para military forces in the affected areas without (a) their proper acclimatization to locales (b) relevant training in gorilla warfare and (c) appropriate and adequate equipment and arms and arsenal- will not bring the fight to any conclusive victory.
States will have to show the vision and resolve to create infrastructure of the kind Andhra Pradesh has built. The task may take several years of work but resolve and a good beginning may adversely affect the morale of insurgent leaders resulting into a quicker than expected success . As has been pointed out on several occasions, India just does not have the numbers of police personnel needed to ensure law and order in normal circumstances, let alone protracted.
The UN estimation /ascertainment of prudent number of police officers for every 100,000 population are 222. India has an average of just 127- almost half of what is required. States with presence of Maoist insurgencies just have a presence of less than half of the national average. Police station — the basic unit that is supposed to respond to any security request / demand — is normally decrepit, in many instances ill-housed and often lack modern systems of communication.
The forces that are available, have almost no meaningful training in counter-insurgency tactics leave aside the non existence of motivation and existence of an ego-centrism developed through classical deep rooted imperial influence in the geographical fringes where modernity creeps into only slowly. Andhra Pradesh, the worst suffers due to an early dawn of Mao influence there, is the only state that has created some counter-insurgency force worth its name. It has been lately yet fairly successful in containing curbing and curtailing the influence. Other states need to emulate such a move, modify and appropriate the same in terms of their own locales, terrains and needs , to create, train and allocate it in terms of requirements. This way only they might achieve success in combats.
The GOI sends in Central Reserve Police Force units as and when need arises and as may be called upon by the states from time to time. However their record of successful counter-Maoist operations has been so far been not worth mentioning. The central and State governments need to work together to draw up a map for building modern police infrastructure or India's citizens will continue to incur a terribly high cost. While insufficient number of police personnel and non availability of facilities to train them are the obvious reasons, absence of a strong political determination is another aspect to contend with. One can observe a gross paucity of political will among almost all political parties to fight against the Maoists. The reason has been that many of the politicians of different and changing hues rely upon the blessings of and depend to draw upon the support from Maoists in times of their personal needs. They have used it and are using it menacingly to enhance their own economic expansion and political stature.
No wonder that the administration and beaurocracy are discouraged to take decisive steps. In the scheme of things it may not be a surprise if the politicians are found using / hiring the intelligentsia to elongate the matter of providing a camouflage and a cover so as to ensure a the covert fight disguised under and as a popular response, as long as it is feasible.
Gandhians with guns has been a strange sounding remark- and may have been a conscious and calculated step for a brand-building effort- to provide an immoral support to the violence. It sounded stranger when it was made to christen the Maoists insurgency that rides on creating fear psychosis, deception, murder and loot (by self styled human-right-activists from our own country). However, none eventually, can guarantee that these guns will not turn out to become, Guns with a flavor for the political power flowing out of their barrels. This may help the neighbor nation from the North to become yet more powerful in vast hinterland of our country – enough to overpower us as a nation conclusively. If it so happens it may be turn out to be a true fear.
To quote Mao once again "Politics is war without bloodshed and war is politics with bloodshed". And if the quote from the great strategist is to be relied upon- of the two phases described in his quote- first has already been won by the Maoists in a large number of states in India, making the strategist smile from his grave and trailers of second phases are now being shown to us.
We might loose another war without even realizing the necessity to fight it out. Even if- as of date, the hare is slowing down while the tortoise is apparently steady on economic front- who wins the race there is a question. The race however might be affected very adversely if the disciples of Mao have already been able to infest deeper enough, and expand their influence to the cities as well– and that of course is comparatively easier, it might of course influence the future decisively against the Nation, And for spreading the influence in the cities- what is more effective than so-called intelligentsia- particularly that part of it which does not agree with concept of India – the concept of plural, democratic, tolerant and welfare-for-all polity that has an overwhelming and timeless existence and does not indulge in small-time politics.
Unholy alliance among the two menacing neighbors is another matter of relevant criticality- as can be ascertained from what has been reported happening on our borders and close upon the borders.
Of course we must make sincere, serious and continuing efforts to bring the tribal populace into mainstream through speedier impart of education, particularly the kind of education that is helpful in enhancement of their employability, initiation and implementation of a well thought out land /resource reforms, priority employment in local industrial and service set-up and further to extend to them all the opportunities to reap the fruits of development-as equitably as may be practicable. The inclusion is a good word – but it needs a speedier implementation as well.
Unless it is a sincere misconception on the part of armchair human-right-activists in the country- and that case it would be quite a serious situation, it sounds like a conspiracy involving a section of so-called human right activists / intelligentsia with a shallow understanding of recent human history, geography and economics- the Nation can ill afford to forget that it is now for 38 years that china has been holding on to a large chunk of Indian territory that one of our most beloved and charming leaders, made us to perceive as a chunk of land where not even a blade of grass grows. Also relevant are aspects of continuing Chinese military build up on our borders, frequent transgressions of line of control, untenable territorial claims on locations like Arunachal, diplomatic misfeasance and evident unholy ganging up in the Pak Occupied Kashmir all culminating significantly against our interests as a Nation. And so also our democratic tolerance to ganging up by Geelanies, Arundhatis with Maoists on what they claim as "demand for justice" on an ideological platform.