Seed Planters for Planting Seeds in a Garden
- Soil must be freshly tilled and soft, because fewer seeds planted means fewer seedlings working together to break through the soil. Pull all weeds. Proper seed spacing leaves room for weeds to grow. Remove rocks from garden rows, because they'll move the seeder off course or stop movement. When sowing into seeding trays, the growing medium must be evenly distributed. Trays are shallow and dry out quickly, so keep the growing medium moist to aid in germination.
- Large gardens are quickly planted with precision seeders. The soil must be freshly rototilled and clear of large rocks. Seed hoppers hold up to 5 pounds of seeds, and seed plates sized for specific types of seeds fit inside the hopper. As the seeder moves along a row, the plate turns, evenly distributing seeds at the correct spacing. An adjustable ground opener makes a furrow at the correct depth for the seed being planted. A chain behind the opener covers seeds with soil. Some models offer fertilizer applicators and storage bags for seed plates.
- Seed tape can be purchased or made. Seeds are placed between 2 layers of paper. Plant the tape at the depth required for the type of seed, and cover the tape with soil and water. The paper will dissolve quickly and doesn't interfere with seed germination. To make your own seed tape, cut copier paper into 1-inch-wide strips, then mix flour and water to the consistency of gravy. Place dots of this mixture on the paper at the appropriate spacing for the type of seed you're planting--see packaging for spacing instructions. Add 1 seed per dot.
- Small hand-held seeders, which are maintenance-free, simplify planting tiny vegetable and flower seeds, and they're most-often used when seeding indoor trays and pots. Pour seeds from the packet into the compartment and set the dispenser for the appropriate seed size--clogging happens with a hole that's too small, and seeds pour from the seeder when the hole is too large. There are several designs. Dial seeders have an adjustable dial for the holes. The Luster Leaf Rapiclip Mini-Seedmaster is designed for powder-fine seeds. It looks like a needle and syringe, and each seed is placed with a push of the plunger.
Soil Preparation
Precision Seeders
Seed Tape
Mini Seeders