The Importance of Cleansing Your Colon
With all the different types of food we eat, and many of those not being so good for us, our digestive system gets mucked up very easily.
We can tell when this happens because we can't go to the bathroom as well as we used to.
We feel bloated, uncomfortable, tired, stressed and just overall glum.
One of the best ways to get rid of this terrible feeling is to use a colon cleanse at least once a year.
There are many different types of products on the market and there are even a few home made recipes to help you cleanse your digestive system.
Probably the best way to cleanse your colon is to use one of the good colon cleansers on the market today, and that is because they are less stressful to you and don't taste that bad.
Let me illustrate what I mean by giving you the natural recipe for an effective do it yourself colon cleanse.
We will look at the Lemon Cleanse.
In this natural cleansing method you don't eat any solid food fro a day and only drink lemon water, maple syrup based drink, cayenne peppers and drink a laxative tea at bed time (hmm, sounds appetizing, doesn't it?) I'm definitely not going this route! Anyway it continues to tell you that the following morning you drink a liter of salt water and add more cayenne pepper.
This eliminates the toxins and the mucoid plaque, but I don't know if I can stand to drink the stuff.
I really think I'm better off paying the $50 to $60 for a good, reliable colon cleansing natural product.
Then, there is the water fasting method, another very effective way of cleansing, but really difficult.
You cant do anything, but drink water, and you have to follow certain guidelines too, like resting often, staying away from sex, avoid talking too much, perform a couple of enemas while cleansing.
Nope! This ones not for me either.
Actually there is no need to go through this much pain.
There are natural colon cleansers that can either be bought online or off.
You take the natural supplements, take some fiber which you can mix with juice and eat a natural diet.
Now this sounds much easier than all these natural methods which although they will get the job done, they may kill you in the process too.
We can tell when this happens because we can't go to the bathroom as well as we used to.
We feel bloated, uncomfortable, tired, stressed and just overall glum.
One of the best ways to get rid of this terrible feeling is to use a colon cleanse at least once a year.
There are many different types of products on the market and there are even a few home made recipes to help you cleanse your digestive system.
Probably the best way to cleanse your colon is to use one of the good colon cleansers on the market today, and that is because they are less stressful to you and don't taste that bad.
Let me illustrate what I mean by giving you the natural recipe for an effective do it yourself colon cleanse.
We will look at the Lemon Cleanse.
In this natural cleansing method you don't eat any solid food fro a day and only drink lemon water, maple syrup based drink, cayenne peppers and drink a laxative tea at bed time (hmm, sounds appetizing, doesn't it?) I'm definitely not going this route! Anyway it continues to tell you that the following morning you drink a liter of salt water and add more cayenne pepper.
This eliminates the toxins and the mucoid plaque, but I don't know if I can stand to drink the stuff.
I really think I'm better off paying the $50 to $60 for a good, reliable colon cleansing natural product.
Then, there is the water fasting method, another very effective way of cleansing, but really difficult.
You cant do anything, but drink water, and you have to follow certain guidelines too, like resting often, staying away from sex, avoid talking too much, perform a couple of enemas while cleansing.
Nope! This ones not for me either.
Actually there is no need to go through this much pain.
There are natural colon cleansers that can either be bought online or off.
You take the natural supplements, take some fiber which you can mix with juice and eat a natural diet.
Now this sounds much easier than all these natural methods which although they will get the job done, they may kill you in the process too.