2 Super Intense Cardio Exercises You Can Do in Your Living Room!
If you are wanting a cardio workout that will kick your butt into shape and, at the same time, be something you can do right in your living room then you have got to engage in kettlebell cardio workouts.
Thats right friend, I said you have to execute kettlebell cardio workouts right in your living room! Check out the following 2 super intense kettlebell cardio drills I have included here for you.
Intense Cardio Exercises! 1.
Kettlebell Man Makers: Now before you start this intense cardio strength training drill in your living room you may want to make sure that you have a protective mat to place on the floor to prevent too much banging on your hardwoods or carpet.
However, if you are one of those guys or girls who just don't give a flying rip then don't worry about it.
To execute the kettlebell man makers you will need the availability of a pair of bells of moderate intensity and a protective floor mat (unless you don't care) to place on the floor in your living room.
From here simply place the bells between your legs with your stance obviously wider than the bells.
Next, properly clean and rack the kettlebells up to your chest.
From here you are simply going to return the bells back to the floor between your feet with them slightly out in front of your body.
When you place them on the ground you are going to keep your hands on the bells and simply kick your feet back behind you extending your body into an upright push up position like you would when you perform a squat thrust.
As soon as your legs are extended then simply kick them back up underneath your body to stand up and clean the bells all over again.
You will quickly see why this is one intense cardio routine after only a few reps.
Alternating Kettlebell Snatches: If you are looking for a real heart pumping cardio drill that will cause you to break a sweat really fast then you just found it with this drill.
In order to pull this particular kettlebell lift off you will first want to make sure that you are familiar with the single arm overhead kettlebell snatch lift.
Assuming you are then for this drill you will want a pair of kettlebells of moderate intensity.
For this particular snatch lift there are a couple of variations, but I am only going to explain one.
Begin this kettlebell cardio training drill by holding a bell in each hand.
From here make sure that your stance is slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Next, forcefully flex and extend at your hips and knees to start the momentum of the lift.
Allow the bells to partially swing and then commit to perform a normal snatch with one of the bells while leaving the other one hanging at your groin.
Upon locking out the first snatched bell smoothly roll it off and allow it to descend between your legs like you would in a traditional swing lift.
As that bell descends between your legs allow the resting bell to swing back between your legs with it and as the momentum brings both bells out from between your legs then snatch the opposite bell.
Continue this movement pattern throughout the duration of the lift.
This is some intense kettlebell cardio training my friend.
If you haven't started to implement the alternating snatches and man makers into your intense living room workouts then you are only missing out.
Feel free to access more of my articles on the subject.
Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!
Thats right friend, I said you have to execute kettlebell cardio workouts right in your living room! Check out the following 2 super intense kettlebell cardio drills I have included here for you.
Intense Cardio Exercises! 1.
Kettlebell Man Makers: Now before you start this intense cardio strength training drill in your living room you may want to make sure that you have a protective mat to place on the floor to prevent too much banging on your hardwoods or carpet.
However, if you are one of those guys or girls who just don't give a flying rip then don't worry about it.
To execute the kettlebell man makers you will need the availability of a pair of bells of moderate intensity and a protective floor mat (unless you don't care) to place on the floor in your living room.
From here simply place the bells between your legs with your stance obviously wider than the bells.
Next, properly clean and rack the kettlebells up to your chest.
From here you are simply going to return the bells back to the floor between your feet with them slightly out in front of your body.
When you place them on the ground you are going to keep your hands on the bells and simply kick your feet back behind you extending your body into an upright push up position like you would when you perform a squat thrust.
As soon as your legs are extended then simply kick them back up underneath your body to stand up and clean the bells all over again.
You will quickly see why this is one intense cardio routine after only a few reps.
Alternating Kettlebell Snatches: If you are looking for a real heart pumping cardio drill that will cause you to break a sweat really fast then you just found it with this drill.
In order to pull this particular kettlebell lift off you will first want to make sure that you are familiar with the single arm overhead kettlebell snatch lift.
Assuming you are then for this drill you will want a pair of kettlebells of moderate intensity.
For this particular snatch lift there are a couple of variations, but I am only going to explain one.
Begin this kettlebell cardio training drill by holding a bell in each hand.
From here make sure that your stance is slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Next, forcefully flex and extend at your hips and knees to start the momentum of the lift.
Allow the bells to partially swing and then commit to perform a normal snatch with one of the bells while leaving the other one hanging at your groin.
Upon locking out the first snatched bell smoothly roll it off and allow it to descend between your legs like you would in a traditional swing lift.
As that bell descends between your legs allow the resting bell to swing back between your legs with it and as the momentum brings both bells out from between your legs then snatch the opposite bell.
Continue this movement pattern throughout the duration of the lift.
This is some intense kettlebell cardio training my friend.
If you haven't started to implement the alternating snatches and man makers into your intense living room workouts then you are only missing out.
Feel free to access more of my articles on the subject.
Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!