What Is New in Knitting Patterns?
- There are dozens of knitting magazines on the stands, and new pattern books are being published all the time. You can find special pattern books for everything from baby blankets to plus-sized sweaters. Check your local bookstore for more information.
- Knitting groups are fun and educational."WWKIP Day 2008 - San Francisco" is Copyrighted by Flickr user: >>>WonderMike
Online knitting communities such as Ravelry and Craftster are gaining popularity. Discuss yarn, patterns and techniques with other knitters, and show off photos of your projects. Warning: These sites can be extremely addictive. - Pattern from the Knitty web site"Pomatomus socks pattern detail" is Copyrighted by Flickr user: AnnaKika (Ulrika) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.
The Knitty web site publishes a new "issue" every season filled with high-fashion patterns of varying difficulty. The web sites of major yarn brands, such as Lion Brand and Caron, also contain patterns, not to mention the thousands of knitting blogs out there. A pattern for virtually every knitted garment imaginable is at your fingertips. - Argyle is trendy with pugs."Gracie Goblin" is Copyrighted by Flickr user: ?ellie? under the Creative Commons Attribution license.
Pay attention to each season's trends and try to replicate them in your knitting. Chances are, you can make your own version of an expensive sweater or scarf with just a few basic techniques. - Check your local yarn store for the best selection."purl soho wall" is Copyrighted by Flickr user: striatic (hobvias sudoneighm) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.
Yarn choice can make or break a knitting project. You don't have to use the yarn recommended in the pattern, but try to choose one similar in fiber composition and weight. If you need advice, check with the employees at your local yarn store, if you have one. Local yarn stores have the best selection, and their employees are usually much more knowledgeable than those at a chain craft store.
Magazines and Books
Online Communities
Pattern Web Sites
Yarn Tips