8 Steps to Create More Money in Domain Names
Here are 8 steps to help you create a profitable domain names business.
Step 1: Brokers You will want a broker that offers marketing in addition to domain name listing services, even if you are an expert at advertising--you need to focus on your business, and if someone else can do it for a good price, let them.
Step 2: The Names Don't be clever, don't be cute.
Only buy names that you know you can sell.
Silly names, comical names, puns, and jokes may lift the spirits but they will not lift your bank account.
Step 3: Advertising In addition to the broker's advertising for your profitable domain names, do a few campaigns yourself.
Get on blogs that allow advertising and links, and try places like MySpace and FaceBook--they're free.
Step 4: Press Releases This is a very large part of your profitable domain names business--internet press releases reach audiences world wide.
You can get a very large distribution for a small cost.
Step 5: Registered Names Always make sure the name is not taken before you buy it and advertise it for sale.
Step 6: Check for Expired Names People don't really buy domain names, they sort of rent them.
Expired names can be a great source of income.
Step 7: Alternatives Don't forget the extensions--.
org, .
net, .
biz, and others.
No doubt more will be added as time goes on.
Step 8: Don't Expect Miracles A profitable domain names business takes awhile to get going, so don't expect overnight success.
Keep your day job for awhile.