Let Flowers Say, "I"ll Love You Forever," at Your Perfect Wedding Ceremony
Learn the language of flowers and spice up your romance, your wedding ceremony and your marriage.
Flowers are such an accessible pleasure.
Some flowers are quite exotic, others grow right outside our doors.
They capture our attention visually.
Their scent can haunt us.
Flower language can tell you what flower represents a particular emotion.
If we associate that emotion with that flower, every time we see the flower, we will remember the emotion.
Using flowers to represent certain characteristics during the wedding ceremony will allow them to keep you remembering throughout your marriage why you married your beloved.
If sunflowers make you happy or tuberoses intoxicate you, those are emotions to bring into your ceremony.
Using the symbolism of flowers to emphasize characteristics of love that you will honor in your wedding vows.
Then when you're married, give that flower to your partner as a reminder of how much love you have for one another and how important your marriage vows remain.
If you pay careful attention to the language of flowers now you will want your flowers to be exactly the same at your 50th wedding anniversary as they were at your wedding because they will have been gaining meaning throughout your life together.
Here's an example of how this worked in reverse.
A bride adored black-eyed susans.
She and her groom picked flowers to represent themselves at their ceremony.
They made promise at that they would give one another their representative flowers every week as a symbol of their marriage.
Her husband was assiduous in his flower giving.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, not very long after their marriage, it broke up.
I ran into a friend of hers not too long ago and she told me that she could no longer abide to have black-eyed susans in her house.
Metaphors have power and make meaning.
Discover the ancient meanings associated with flowers that you can celebrate as you feature them at your wedding.
Or you can find your own associations and use them as touchstones for particular emotions.
Exotic hot-house flowers will have different meanings than home-grown blossoms.
Consider using only one kind of flower, or have your attendants make a bouquet for you from a variety of flowers.
Take the meaning of the flower into your life for encouragement and remembrance.
You get to pick whatever's right for you and have a beautiful visual for your wedding ceremony and your marriage.
How wonderful is that? And it might even smell good!
Flowers are such an accessible pleasure.
Some flowers are quite exotic, others grow right outside our doors.
They capture our attention visually.
Their scent can haunt us.
Flower language can tell you what flower represents a particular emotion.
If we associate that emotion with that flower, every time we see the flower, we will remember the emotion.
Using flowers to represent certain characteristics during the wedding ceremony will allow them to keep you remembering throughout your marriage why you married your beloved.
If sunflowers make you happy or tuberoses intoxicate you, those are emotions to bring into your ceremony.
Using the symbolism of flowers to emphasize characteristics of love that you will honor in your wedding vows.
Then when you're married, give that flower to your partner as a reminder of how much love you have for one another and how important your marriage vows remain.
If you pay careful attention to the language of flowers now you will want your flowers to be exactly the same at your 50th wedding anniversary as they were at your wedding because they will have been gaining meaning throughout your life together.
Here's an example of how this worked in reverse.
A bride adored black-eyed susans.
She and her groom picked flowers to represent themselves at their ceremony.
They made promise at that they would give one another their representative flowers every week as a symbol of their marriage.
Her husband was assiduous in his flower giving.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, not very long after their marriage, it broke up.
I ran into a friend of hers not too long ago and she told me that she could no longer abide to have black-eyed susans in her house.
Metaphors have power and make meaning.
Discover the ancient meanings associated with flowers that you can celebrate as you feature them at your wedding.
Or you can find your own associations and use them as touchstones for particular emotions.
Exotic hot-house flowers will have different meanings than home-grown blossoms.
Consider using only one kind of flower, or have your attendants make a bouquet for you from a variety of flowers.
Take the meaning of the flower into your life for encouragement and remembrance.
You get to pick whatever's right for you and have a beautiful visual for your wedding ceremony and your marriage.
How wonderful is that? And it might even smell good!