How to Track a Flight's Present Time
- 1). Click on the link "Flight Stats" under "References" at the bottom of this page. This link will take you to the page where you can enter flight information and track a flight.
- 2). Enter the airline name and flight number. If you do not know the flight number, click on the tab "By Airport." Enter the departure or arrival airport and click the bubble next to "Departures" or "Arrivals" depending on which airport you entered. You can also search for a flight by route if you click on the tab "By Route." Enter the departure and arrival airport. Click "Search" to continue.
- 3). Scroll down to the list of flights that met your search criteria and look for the correct flight. Click on the flight number in the second column to see the complete flight status. If you entered the flight number, you will automatically see the flight status information for the specified flight.
- 4). Look in the top box titled "Flight Status" to see if the flight is on time, delayed, en route or landed. You will see how long the flight is delayed and the estimated departure or arrival time.
- 5). Click on the link titled "See Position Details" underneath the Google map if the flight in en route to its destination. You can see the current position of the flight as it is flying.