How to Make a WWE Umaga Halloween Costume
- 1). Grow your hair out to ear's length or purchase a black wig that it is about the same length.
- 2). Braid all off your hair until there are around ten separate braids dangling off the top of your head or on the wig. The hair should be braided in a pattern where there is a part down the middle of the head and each braid makes up an equal section.
- 3). Paint your face with a tribal design. Use Umaga’s pictures to help with the design, but anything close to it will resemble him. The main part starts from the middle and branches off into large black and bold lines.
- 4). Put on a beaded necklace. Umaga is from the island of Samoa and he likes to show his heritage off with a beaded tribal necklace.
- 5). Place temporary tattoos all over your arms and shoulders. Most of Umaga’s tattoos are different designs, but one significant tattoo on him is of his relative Yokozuna.
- 6). Use washable markers to write the word Samoa over your stomach. The word should be arched over the belly button and be very large. Draw block letters and fill in the letters with different designs to achieve Umaga’s look.
- 7). Wrap white athletic tape over your right wrist and extend the tape to completely cover your right thumb. Umaga wraps his thumb like this to perform the Samoan Spike, a move where he shoves his thumb into his opponent’s throat.
- 8). Wrap tin foil or a gum wrapper over your front two teeth. Umaga has a mouth full of silver, but the most noticeable spot is his two front teeth.
- 9). Complete the costume with traditional wrestling ring gear that includes elbow pads, knee pads, and black wrestling tights. Umaga is a little bigger than normal wrestlers, so you may want to consider stuffing the black wrestling tights with some throw pillows or cotton.