How to Paint Linoleum Tiles
- 1). Clean your tiles thoroughly with a good cleaner or degreaser. Make certain that all grease, oil and other grime have been completely removed. Rinse with plain water and allow to dry.
- 2). Sand lightly with 100-grit sandpaper. Just rough up the surface of your tiles slightly so the paint will have a good surface to stick to.
- 3). Mop or clean your tiles with plain water to remove any dust the sanding created. Your tiles should be smooth and clean. Allow tiles to dry thoroughly. Fans will speed up the drying time.
- 4). Roll or brush on a layer of oil-based primer. Use an oil-based primer in place of a water-based primer in high traffic rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms or in any place where your tiles are likely to come into contact with water. Allow the primer to dry for 24 hours. Fans will speed up the drying time.
- 5). Paint with any good oil-based paint. Again, an oil-based paint is preferable to a water-based paint in high traffic areas or in places where water may come into contact with the paint. Allow the paint to dry for 24 hours. Again, fans can speed up the drying time, but it is still an excellent idea to give your paint a full 24 hours to ensure the best results.
- 6). Apply clear varnish as a final sealant and to protect your tiles for years to come. Allow the varnish to dry as the manufacturer's directions recommend. Apply a second coat of varnish and allow it to dry thoroughly. Your linoleum floor should now look spectacular.